Tundra Facts
Land Animals
The Movies
Marine Animals
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Permanently Frozen layer of ground
This word is Finnish for treeless plain
High mountain ecosystems
Name of the ocean and land at the top of the earth
The tree-less land between the tree line of northern Canada and the arctic ice cap
What arctic animal has no natural predators
Polar Bear
How long do the polar bears stay under the snow
5 Months
Has 2 layers fur; One long, one short
Musk Ox
What animal changes the color of its fur with the change of seasons
Arctic Fox, Arctic Hare ( Snowshoe)
What animal uses its hooves to break the ice for water or food
Musk Ox
T/F the tundra has a lot of trees
What does the Finnish word Tunturiamean?
Tree-less plain
How do plants grow in the arctic
Group together, and they are short
Name 2 of the adaptations plants have in the tundra
Small leaves, flower quickly in summer, grow in groups, grow under snow
How many kinds of plants are there in the tundra
What does terra incognita mean
Unknown Land
What fish did Jeff observe swimming upstream
How do penguins survive the winter
Grouped together to stay warm
What town did Jeff and his crew stay in
Kaktovik, Alaska
What does the return of the female emperor penguin signal
That spring is coming
They have very thick skin, sometimes not even a polar bear can get through
Most wide ranging pinniped
Harbor seal or common seal
An arctic fish related to salmon
Arctic Char
Where do penguins live
It’s name means “White one”
Beluga Whale
Used as energy stores and insulation for many arctic animals
How many hours does the arctic receive sun in the summer months
24 hours a day
Stiff sensitive wiskers
How thick was the ice that Jeff and his crew had to cut through
6 Feet
When the ground has more water than it can hold it is called