Writing COE Basics… A Teacher Support Webinar October 6, 2011 Steve Pearse, Ed.D. COE Writing Director CAA Options / OSPI
Writing COE Basics2 The 'Big Picture' of the Writing COE… The Writing COE is a summative assessment that 'frames' each student-writer's selected expository and persuasive final products (Work Samples) per published guidelines and requirements.
Writing COE Basics3 Teacher Support Topics Eligibility COE Calendar Sufficiency: Guidelines & Requirements Writing Purposes & Scoring Traits Proficiency: Meeting Standard Writing COE Prompts (tasks) Effective Classroom Practices Continued Support & COE Contacts
Writing COE Basics4 Key COE Guidelines Resource… Collection of Evidence: A Comprehensive Guide for District Assessment Coordinators, Principals and Teachers (CAA Options)
Writing COE Basics5 Eligibility: Who may submit a Writing COE? 12th graders likely possessing the writing skills and knowledge assessed on the HSPE, but who have not demonstrated the proficiency level for meeting standard per the HSPE. Transfer students * In-state private or home-schooled students * Students exempted from the HSPE (non-English proficiency) * (11th & 12th grade) Comprehensive Guide
Writing COE Basics COE Scoring Events Calendar February, th grade & transfer students, plus June, '11 event participants who are eligible to submit an augmented * Collection. Submissions due on or before January 11. April, 2012 (Augmentation Collections only) February event participants who are eligible to submit an augmented Collection. Submissions due on or before April 25. June, th grade & transfer students. Submissions due on or before June 13. * Please note Augmentation requirements per the Guidelines.
Writing COE Basics7 Sufficiency: Writing COE required components COMPLETED FORMS : Student Information/Signature Form Cover Form Work Sample Documentation Form (WSDF) Work Sample Task Form (WSTF) Forms can be downloaded at per Comprehensive Guide, I-6
Writing COE Basics8 Sufficiency: Required Writing COE student work A total of 6-8 Work Samples: 3-5 expository (to explain) purpose Work Samples* 3-5 persuasive purpose Work Samples* * to include at least one on-demand WS per purpose Note: As the two lowest-scoring (not including required on- demand) Work Samples are dropped, the recommendation is to submit a total of eight Work Samples.
Writing COE Basics9 Additional Sufficiency Requirements… Writing COE Work Samples Work Samples are to be free of any/all references to grades, scores, scoring guides, and peer- or teacher- evaluations or other notations. Work Samples are to be written in English. Work Samples must reflect connected text: no poems, lyrics, narratives, recipes, résumés, directions, bulleted texts, etc., with the exception of brief references or illustrations within blocks of connected text.
Writing COE Basics10 On-Demand Work Samples… on-demand (2+) Work Samples = touchstones for the Collection Requirements*: At least one on-demand Work Sample per purpose No advance notice of on-demand prompts No teacher/adult assistance Completed during a single, contiguous writing session (class period) under adult supervision * Requirements for COE on-demand work align with the HSPE.
Writing COE Basics11 Extended-Time Work Samples… Constitute all other Work Samples Prompt notice in advance is OK Teacher/adult assistance limited to general advice & reminders * May be completed over several writing sessions, under teacher supervision * no direct, explicit assistance that may change the outcome of student worksee Comprehensive Guide
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Writing COE Basics14 The Writing COEa summative assessment presumes student engagement in 'purposeful process' in pursuit of best performance … "Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere …The second draft [revision] is the 'up' draftyou fix it up…And the third draft [editing] is the dental draft, when you check every tooth…" Anne Lamott, Bird By Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life (1994)
Writing COE Basics15 Proficiency: Meeting Standard on the Writing COE… Sufficient (eligible to be scored) Collections are deemed to be proficient if they meet or exceed the standard established for the Writing COE. Total Possible Points (raw score) = 72 (6 Work Samples; 6 pts. possible each X two scorers) Raw score ÷ by 3 = 24 scale points possible. Proficient Collections earn 17 or more points = meeting standard (COE + HSPE). Students whose collections receive 15 or 16 points are eligible for augmentation.
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Writing COE Basics18 Characteristics of Many Successful COE Writing Collections Prompt selection includes published as well as teacher-written or modified prompts, with student-writers' interests & backgrounds in mind and indicating an appropriate audience. Prompts are more often invitational than directive, and clearly indicate either an explanatory or a persuasive purpose. Prompts invite authentic, specific responses to manageable, engaging topics and issues. A clear sense of the writer's individual voice correlates with evident topic confidence, knowledge, understanding.
Writing COE Basics19 COE Prompts: Selection, Modification or Creation on behalf of student-writers… Provide prompts that focus on a single purpose, engage student-writer interest & knowledge (topic), address an identifiable, fitting audience, and use an appropriate writing form (letter or essay): In your community, many businesses have decided that students must have at least a 'B' grade point average in order to be hired. Take a position on this issue. Write a multiple-paragraph letter to the editor of your local paper persuading readers to agree with your position.
Writing COE Basics20 COE Website-Listed Writing Prompts Expository After-School Job Challenging Task Collection of Evidence Elders' Stories (revised) Inspirational Adult Job Shadow (revised) Most Meaningful Event New Employee New to the United States Post-Secondary Senior Class Trip (revised) Social Networking Sites (revised) What I Like About Myself Persuasive Class Motto (revised) Dream Vacation Location Drug Screening (revised) Extracurricular Activities & Sports (rev.) Healthy Eating Health and Fitness (revised) iPods Keep This Class Recycling Running Start Student of the Month Texting Unrecognized Heroes (revised)
Writing COE Basics21 Effective COE Prompts… Expository purpose: 'New Employee' In high school, many students hold down part-time jobs. Also, many of the skills and responsibilities that help you to be successful in school also apply to jobs. Suppose your employer has hired a new employee. You, because of your experience in the business, are to give an orientation to this new hire. Explain what he or she needs to know in order to be successful in your job. In your letter, be sure to explain what he/she needs to know or do as well as why it's important to know or do.
Writing COE Basics22 Effective COE Prompts… Persuasive purpose: 'Keep This Class' Due to the need to make budget cuts, your districts school board has asked students which classes are the most important to them. The board will consider student input as they identify classes to be eliminatedand savednext year. Write a multiple-paragraph letter to school board members, persuading them to keep a class (course) that is very important to you. Be sure to provide strong arguments and evidence in support of your favorite class.
Writing COE Basics23 Example Prompt Modifications… Original:As an athlete, you have spent long hours in training for competition. You have recognized the personal growth you have made in addition to doing well as an athletic competitor. In a multiple-paragraph letter to your coach, explain what that personal growth was and how it has helped you in a situation outside of sports.
Writing COE Basics24 Example Prompt 'Tweaking'… Purposeful Editing Individualized Version: You have spent long hours in training for competition as a football player. You have recognized the personal improvements you have made in addition to becoming a better athlete. In a multiple-paragraph letter to a favorite teacher, explain the specific ways you have grown or improved, and how that improvement has helped you in one or more non-sports-related situations.
Writing COE Basics25 The DOs and DON'Ts of the Writing COE DO… before beginning COE Collections provide students with frequent, purposeful practice that builds upon the key skills and concepts described within the GLEs for Writing. be specific about and provide models of effective student writing. give students multiple opportunities to practice on-demand responses to writing prompts/tasks, engaging them in self-assessment. upon initiating COE work select, write, & encourage students to propose (when permitted) prompts that incorporate clear, appropriate topics, audiences, purposes, and forms. provide ample time & opportunity to develop effective, polished final drafts through pre-writing, drafting, revising, and editing. offer appropriate teacher assistance (Extended-Time pieces only) that supports and clarifies a given task. Teacher assistance, when allowed, must be limited to general advice and reminders.
Writing COE Basics26 The DOs and DON'Ts of the Writing COE DON'T… select or approve prompts/tasks that are missing a fitting topic, audience, purpose, and/or form, per COE requirements and recommendations. provideorally or in writingdirective, explicit teacher assistance that would compromise the authenticity of student work. Do not allow other adults or the student-writer's peers to do so, either. include research reports or other tasks that do not feature the student- writer's own work, interests/knowledge, and voice. place work into a student's COE binder without reading the work samples. Teachers are responsible for knowing, to the best of their knowledge, that all work in the COE is the student's own.
Writing COE Basics27 COE-provided support: Writing Resources Instructional Guides for Writing Rubrics (scoring guides) for Writing Writing Essential Academic Learning Requirements The Dos and Don'ts of the Writing COE High School Writing Checklists (expository/persuasive) Instructional Modules (OSPI-developed) Writing COE Forms Writing Prompts / Writing CTE Prompts Various Webinars
Writing COE Basics28 Thank you for all that you do! For additional information… Collection of Evidence: A Comprehensive Guide. It can be downloaded at If you have additional questions, please contact us: Steve Pearse, Ed.D., Writing Specialist (360) Amanda Mount, M.A., Operations Specialist (360) Cindy Jouper, Program Director, COE (360) Lesley Klenk, Ph.D., CAA Options Administrator (360)