Objective ATC 02.7 ESSIP Plan 2014 Ingrid FEIJT DSS/PEPR
ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ATC Comprehensive Explanation (1/2) Implementation of Approach Path Monitoring (APM) functions. Can be considered as an extension of MSAW (alert to a/c proximity to terrain or obstacle) in the final approach. ECAC applicability (except Georgia, Greece and Slovak Republic). Depending on airspace organisation, it might include a lower portion of TMAs and CTR. This objective is not applicable to the en- route airspace. Military authorities: Military ATC are invited to consider implementation of APM level 2 when providing ATS surveillance services to GAT.
Comprehensive Explanation (2/2) APM checks the extrapolated track positions (based on Surveillance data-current track position performing a linear extrapolation using detected ground speed and rate of climb/descent), applying QHN correction and identifies the predicted or actual conflicts against the terrain during the final approach. Terrain can be build up using digital terrain data or set of polygons that sufficiently accurate shape the vertical environment. FP data is not used. APM requires an appropriate presentation of predicted / actual conflicts to the tactical controllers and ATC supervisor. APM requires careful optimalisation / tuning to minimise false alarms. ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ATC 02.73
Link to European ATM Master Plan [CM-0801] – Ground Based Safety Nets (TMA, En Route) ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ATC 02.74
Most important SLoA(s) ASP01 “Implement the APM function. Put into service ground-based safety tool systems and associated procedures supporting the APM function.” ASP to check the compliance of the implemented APM with the requirements stated in the specification, the related guidance material and the relevant training and safety requirements. ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ATC 02.75
Finalisation Criteria Ensure that Ground systems have been upgraded to support the APM function. Ensure that the technical file (TF) with evidences of compliance and the EC declaration of verification of systems (DoV) has been delivered to the competent National Supervisory Authority (NSA). Ensure that the APM function is in operational use. Ensure that the training plans have been updated and a training package has been developed by the ANSP for the use of APM functions. ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ATC 02.76
Supporting Material The EUROCONTROL specification for APM issued in May 2009 (edition 0.9) which is still a draft. The EUROCONTROL Guidance Material for APM issued in May 2009, Edition 1.0 EUROCONTROL Guide “ Safety Nets Ensuring Effectiveness, dated 21 May 2011 This if for guidance only, and is not compulsory. Council Decision of 30 March 2009 endorsing the European ATM Master Plan of the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) project (2009/320/EC) ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ATC 02.77
ESSIP Report 2013 A slight improved progress has been made in the deployment of this Objective, compared to Majority of the States declared to have plans for implementation between 09/2016 and 12/2016 end of the full operational capability date Achieving ATM MP (IP1) in time could be jeopardised. ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ATC 02.78
Contacts Objective Coordinator: FEIJT, Ingrid DNM Objective Expert(s): BAKKER, Ben DROZDOWSKI, Stanislaw ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ATC 02.79