Tourism and Environment Reporting Mechanism Country experience - SLOVAKIA Pavol Weiss.


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Presentation transcript:

Tourism and Environment Reporting Mechanism Country experience - SLOVAKIA Pavol Weiss

Regular Reports Three relevant documents:  T ourism and its Impact on Environment in the Slovak Republic  Report on the state of Environment in the SR  System of regular evaluation of indicators

Tourism and its Impact on the Environment 1/2  Regulary – every two years  Slovak Environmental Agency  Content – main chapters: - Methodology - DPSIR model - Current state of tourism and its trends - Tourism’s Impact on Environment (Water, Land /Soil, Air, Biota) - Development of environmental efficiency

Tourism and its Impact on the Environment 2/2  Advantages - Regular reporting since Responsible body for reporting - Time series / comparison in time, development  What should be improved/task for the future - inclusion of both type of experts environment and Tourism - improvement in field of data selection and interpretation - sources of information

Report on the state of Environment  Specific chapter “Recreation and Tourism”  This fact that tourism sector is included is positive  At present this chapter covers only some parts of the subject not all aspects of tourism impact on environment

System of regular evaluation of indicators  Yearly evaluation  The same structure of indicators as included within report “Tourism and its Impact on Environment in the Slovak Republic”  Some indicators are evaluated only verbally, quantification of indicators is missing  In some case verbal evaluation could be accepted but justification is needed

Thank you!