Tourism and Environment Reporting Mechanism Country experience - SLOVAKIA Pavol Weiss
Regular Reports Three relevant documents: T ourism and its Impact on Environment in the Slovak Republic Report on the state of Environment in the SR System of regular evaluation of indicators
Tourism and its Impact on the Environment 1/2 Regulary – every two years Slovak Environmental Agency Content – main chapters: - Methodology - DPSIR model - Current state of tourism and its trends - Tourism’s Impact on Environment (Water, Land /Soil, Air, Biota) - Development of environmental efficiency
Tourism and its Impact on the Environment 2/2 Advantages - Regular reporting since Responsible body for reporting - Time series / comparison in time, development What should be improved/task for the future - inclusion of both type of experts environment and Tourism - improvement in field of data selection and interpretation - sources of information
Report on the state of Environment Specific chapter “Recreation and Tourism” This fact that tourism sector is included is positive At present this chapter covers only some parts of the subject not all aspects of tourism impact on environment
System of regular evaluation of indicators Yearly evaluation The same structure of indicators as included within report “Tourism and its Impact on Environment in the Slovak Republic” Some indicators are evaluated only verbally, quantification of indicators is missing In some case verbal evaluation could be accepted but justification is needed
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