Lead from the front Texas Nodal 1 Registration Deep Dive Overview / Kick Off Sept 25, 2008
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 2 Agenda Antitrust Admonition Objective / Overview Remaining Deliverables for MP-11 MP-11 Status RARF Schedule / Process –High Level Schedule –Iterative Approach –Tiered Screening –Monitoring and Scoring Data Quality and Common Issues –Private Use Networks Issues –Reactive Capability Curves –Other Action Items Q&A Appendix
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 3 Antitrust Admonition ANTITRUST ADMONITION ERCOT strictly prohibits Market Participants and their employees who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT activities as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the antitrust laws. The ERCOT Board has approved guidelines for members of ERCOT Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups to be reviewed and followed by each Market Participant attending ERCOT meetings. If you have not received a copy of these Guidelines, copies are available at the Client Relations desk. Please remember your ongoing obligation to comply with all applicable laws, including the antitrust laws.
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 4 Objective / Overview Today’s Objective: –Review the remaining work for MP-11 and –Discuss the process ERCOT is implementing to achieve production quality data from Market Participant Resource Asset Registration Forms (RARF’s) by 12/12/2008 –Why is the December 12 th date important? Although ERCOT is abstracting current RARF problems from the applications (e.g. MMS, EMS), in December it will be necessary to provide NMMS with Production Quality data. Data collection and validation for NMMS is on the critical path, meaning that this causes a day-for-day slip in the nodal program schedule. Due to NMMS requirement of production quality data and being on the critical path, the Nodal Go Live date will adversely impacted if we do not meet our goal Overview –Today’s meeting serves as a kick off to completing MP-11 –These meetings will take place every Friday through the end of the year –The overall objective of this series of meetings is to establish a primary method of communicating with MP’s during the project This is your forum as well as ERCOT’s –The next meeting will occur on 10/03/2008
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 5 Remaining Deliverables for MP-11 MP-11 - This metric shall measure whether Market Participants have completed the resource registration activities required for the Nodal program. MP Readiness will be achieved when the MP has completed the required resource registration activities including: Acceptance of RARF today’s focus Acceptance of Resource Network Topology Registration Non-Modeled Generation Declaration Resource Decision Making Authority Attestation
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 6 Resource Registration Status and Schedule Acceptance of RARF - Status: –To date MP-11 has focused on completion of the RARF –97% of Sites expected to register with ERCOT have turned in a RARF –~60% of these have passed Tier 1 screening Tier 1 basic check for resource names, missing data, etc.. Tier 1 is the primary screen that has taken place to date
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 7 Resource Registration Status and Schedule Acceptance of RARF – Status (cont…): –ERCOT has implemented an automated Tier 2 screen of RARF’s Tier 2 screens the RARF based on 100’s of business rules, formatting rules and basic data type validations A process has been implemented leveraging this automated screen to position ERCOT and the Market to bring relatively quick closure to the Resource Registration Process –More focused scope This phase of MP-11 will not take into consideration the following tabs on the RARF –GSU Transformer –Gen-owned Trans Asset –Subsync –Planning –Protection These tabs will be addressed later in the schedule MP’s who have already filled out these other tabs will not lose their data; the data will be re-used when the schedule calls for it.
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 8 Resource Registration Status and Schedule Acceptance of Resource Network Topology Registration – Status: –This form will focus on RE owned transmission assets topology –Supporting form is called GenSite Topology Form (GSTF) –ERCOT has completed drafting the form –The process of gathering RE owned transmission assets will start late 2008 / early 2009 Exception: ERCOT will need PUN LOAD information over 168 hours (see action items) –Data previously provided via the RARF process will be populated into these forms prior to sending out to RE’s Non-Modeled Generation Declaration – Status: –This is form will focus on Resources 10MW –ERCOT has completed drafting the form and will post by Friday Evening to: –Tracking and Schedule on this form will be detailed in 2 weeks
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 9 Resource Process Status and Schedule Resource Decision Making Authority Attestation – Status: –This form is still under review internally at ERCOT –ETA will be announced along with schedule and process in this forum at a future occurrence
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 10 RARF Schedule / Process: High Level Schedule / Iterative Approach Objective = Production Quality Data by 12/12/ % Production Quality 95% Production Quality 98% Production Quality
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 11 Schedule / Process: High Level Schedule / Iterative Approach 3 Iteration will allocate the following durations for MP’s to resolve data issues: –Iteration 1 20 business days –Iteration 2 10 business days –Iteration 3 10 business days Process will include 3 iterations, constructed as follows: –Audit Reports sent to each RE detailing issues found on RARF’s –RE will use the address to ask interim questions (note: always include the address in any sent to ERCOT to ensure timely –RE’s ERCOT Account manager will schedule a teleconference to review data and answer questions RE should not wait for teleconference to resolve data –Once RE has completed data corrections, the RARF will be resubmitted using the TML Service Request by the Authorized Rep at the RE.
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 12 Schedule / Process: High Level Schedule / Iterative Approach ERCOT will be evaluating new RARF’s continuously It is important the RE’s not wait until the end of each iteration to turn in corrections –ERCOT will have little or no time to assist with questions towards the end of the iterations –There will be no time to provide an updated Audit Report therefore if there are still issues, RE may go red until next iteration Important The Authorized Representative is the only person(s) at each RE that ERCOT will accept a RARF from If you only have 1 Authorized Rep, it is highly recommended you identify a 2 nd
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 13 Schedule / Process: High Level Schedule / Iterative Approach Example of Audit Report File format is.pdf
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 14 Schedule / Process: Tiered Screening Process
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 15 Schedule / Process: Tiered Screening Process Tier 2 Screen Process is the most critical in efficiently addressing problems What does this mean to MP’s –The ERCOT data team is still refining the Tier 2 automated screening process –The current business rules coverage of the screening process is 86% –The remaining ~14% will be addressed prior to Iteration 2 Audit Reports published to RE’s –Summary Important The first Audit Report RE’s receive may not have all issues If you do not receive an audit report in iteration 1, you may receive one in iteration 2, based on recently added business rules. For example: Load Resources submitting Reasonability limits that are > 0 will not be caught in the first Audit Report.
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 16 Schedule / Process: Monitoring and Scoring MP-11 SCORING –ERCOT will update scorecards throughout the RARF data audit process. –These updates will take place weekly –CRITERIA: MP Readiness will be achieved when the MP has completed the required resource registration activities including: Acceptance of RARF Acceptance of Resource Network Topology Registration Non-Modeled Generation Declaration Resource Decision Making Authority Attestation –Resources that have not turned in a RARF as of September 29 th will remain RED.
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 17 Schedule / Process: Monitoring and Scoring MP-11 SCORING –Acceptance of RARF for MP-11 scoring will be as of last iteration of Business Rules. –Resource Network Topology Registration will be in conjunction with RARF plus possible addendums for some Generation sites and Private Use Networks (PUN). PUN / Aux Load –Acceptance of Non-Model Generation Form for distributed generation sites and PUN sites declaring eligibility in accordance with Protocol criteria: 1.Capable of providing net output of energy to the ERCOT System; 2.10 MW or less in size; or greater than ten MW and registered with the PUCT according to P.U.C. Subst. R. §25.109, Registration of Power Generation Companies and Self-Generators, as a self-generator; and 3.Registered with ERCOT as a Non-Modeled Generator, which means that the generator may not participate in the Ancillary Service or energy markets, RUC, or SCED.
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 18 Schedule / Process: Monitoring and Scoring MP-11 SCORING –Acceptance of Resource Decision Making Authority Attestation. ERCOT is currently testing using the DMA attestations provided last Spring. Required from Resource Entities that have not turned in an Attestation or ERCOT will request clarifications as needed.
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 19 Schedule / Process: Monitoring and Scoring MP-11 SCORING – Market Segment –At end of FINAL Business Rule iteration RAG Rule: GREEN: Over 95% of market share meeting criteria. RED: over 5% of market share not meeting criteria. MP-11 SCORING – RE’s QSE’s (scorecard and dashboard) –Defined terms: Criteria = resolving all reported problems by the end of the current iteration Target Completion Date = The published end date of each iteration Note: each iteration resets RAG rules for each MP that still has problems on their RARF (green w/ no further issues remains green) –RED Failure to meet criteria, not responding after the target completion date –AMBER working on document revisions, after target completion date –GREEN All forms received and *accepted *accepted represents the final version of the MP-11 RARF. Although ERCOT has not fully accepted any RARF at the end of iteration 1 and 2, MP’s will be made incrementally green until another date is missed.
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 20 Schedule / Process: Monitoring and Scoring RESOURCE ENTITY DASHBOARD –Resource Entity Dashboard will be maintained on Nodal Readiness Center web page: The Dashboard will be updated once per week on Fridays. RARFs will not be scored until they have been uploaded to the RARF HUB Data Base –Weekly RARF HUB loads include RARFs received by EOB every Wednesday If RARF passes audit evaluation for the Business Rule iteration the RARF will be deemed accepted for that iteration and the TML Service Request will be closed.
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 21 Schedule / Process: Monitoring and Scoring RESOURCE ENTITY DASHBOARD –continued: Upon start of next Business Rule iteration, if the Audit Reports does not pass, the report will be sent to the Resource Entity to make corrections. Revised authorized RARF is to be submitted via a new TML Service Request. Audit evaluation will be run again upon loading into RARF HUB Data Base. If RARF passes satisfactorily the RARF will be accepted by closing TML Service Request.
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 22 Tracking RE Dashboard to be posted weekly Rolled up MP-10 / MP-11 Metric for RE’s on ERCOT Scorecard
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 23 Data Quality and Common Issues Theme: “ERCOT Cannot Change your RARF Data No Matter How Insignificant.”
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 24 Data Quality and Common Issues: Private Use Networks Clarifications regarding PUNs (Private Use Networks) –LRL must be set to zero –HRL must be set to the physical generator HRL –Normal / Emergency Net MW / Min Ramp Rate Curves must be provided as a function of Gross MW output of the resource
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 25 Data Quality and Common Issues: Reactive Capability Curves Clarifications regarding Reactive Capability Curves: –MW must be incrementing –Lead values are negative (-) –Lag values are positive (+) –Break points (esp. 4 th and 5 th ) must have unique MW values –1 st and 5 th break must extend from LRL to HRL The reactive capability curve must represent the full capacity of the reasonability limits This will cause issues in back end systems The Lead / Lag can be flat from LRL to first commercially sustainable limit
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 26 Data Quality and Common Issues: General Issues Clarifications of other general observations: –Numeric fields should only contain numeric values (example 10MW should be 10) –Do not place N/A in fields where it is not a valid option (drop down list) –Ensure to fill out all required fields –Ensure spelling of resource, unit, gen site names as well as other general labels –Date fields must contain a full date of mm/dd/yyyy (e.g. Unit Start Date should not be just 2005) –Place comments in the correct comment field allocated on each sheet
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 27 Action Items
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 28 Action Items Review the Non-Modeled Generation Declaration –Will be posted to the registration section by Friday evening at: –Plan and schedule to be reviewed at next meeting 10/10 We are asking ALL Resource entities send an to answering the –For each of your resource’s Normal and Emergency Net MW / Minute ramp rates, were these entered on the RARF as a function of Gross MW output or Net MW Output? –Please send response to this question no later than 10/02/08 End Of Business. Attend all scheduled weekly calls –These will start on 10/03 and continue through the remainder of the year –A Market Notice will be routed detailing the login information as well as the time of the call Once Audit Report arrives review it immediately for any issues / concerns that you’d like to review with ERCOT The early you send these in, the more time we have to resolve them Private Use Networks will also be asked to fill out a 168 hour load profile (see appendix for sample form). –Actual form will be posted to the readiness center by Monday of next week –These should be submitted via TML Service request prior to the close of iteration 2
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 29 Q&A
Lead from the front Texas Nodal 30 Appendix A – PUN Load Form