Definition of Money Uniqueness of Money Functions of Money Monetary Theory
Classical View of Money
Keynesian View Functions of Money Liquidity of Money Axiom of Gross Substitution breaks down when Pm Increase or Decrease.
Fractional Reserve Banking Bank A rr=%20 Assets Liabilities Reserves$20Demand Deposit$100 Loan$80 Total$100
Fractional Reserve Banking Bank B rr=%20 Assets Liabilities Reserves$16Demand Deposit$80 Loan$64 Total$80Total$80
Fractional Reserve Banking Bank C rr=%20 Assets Liabilities Reserves$12.8Demand Deposit$64 Loan$51.2 Total$64Total$64
Fractional Reserve Banking Money Created = … =$500 Money Multiplier: m=1/rr =(1/0.20) =5 Potential Multiplier
Money Supply and Monetary Base
Tools Of Monetary Supply 1. Open Market Operation If Central Bank Sells Securities → MB ↘ and Ms ↘ If Central Bank Buys Securities → MB ↗ and Ms ↗ 1. Changing Reserve Ratio If rr ↗, then, mm ↘ & Ms ↘ 2. Changing Discount Rate If d ↗, then, MB↘ and Ms ↘ I f d ↘, then, MB↗ and Ms ↗
Exogenous Monetary Theory
Endogenous Monetary Theory
Intermediate Targets Desirable Properties Measurable Reliable Controble Targets 1. Money Growth 2. Discount Rate 3. The Federal Fund Rate 4. Bank Reserves 5. Eclectic Approach 6. Credit Targets 7. Nominal Income 8. World Money Sup.& Ex.Ra 9. Fiscal & Mont Polic. Cord. 10. Expec. Cred. & Lag
In Islamic Property Right System Money and Capital
Money, Capital & Islamic Financial System Definition Rules of Exchange Markets Financial Market, Capital Market, Commodity Market Banks Financial Services Central Bank Financial Policy : Expansion & Contraction Policy Government Financial Policy
Financial Market No. of securities or value of securities Price of every share A A* P* No. of securities or amount of securities A* A n* n D S S D
Y2Y2 D’’ Aggregate Supply Curve