The curious case of the DRESSCODE DILEMMA! We join our heroes, William & Wanda W. Wolf, in serious turmoil as they try to decide what to wear to school on the first day (and all days after that)…
Our Heroes
The Dilemma: Here we have our Wolf siblings comparing the CHMS Dress Code from the web site in front of their clothing choices with puzzled looks on their faces. It seems that the clothes they have been wearing to the mall and with friends all summer might not be okay to wear to school. … WHATS a Wolf to do!? The CHMS website!
NEVER FEAR! The Dress Code Fairy is here!!!
What seems to be the problem, my dears? asked the fairy. ?! We dont know what our dress code is at Cedar Heights Middle School! whined William and Wanda.
Okay my little wolf cubs, lets start with the basics: The clothing you choose needs to be modest. Underwear, bras and bra straps should always be covered – this means no tank tops, strapless tops, spaghetti straps, or sagged pants.
Boys Tank Tops These are considered underwear and not allowed
While the weather is still nice: SHORTS and SKIRTS These must always be longer than your fingertips when you hold your arms straight down at your sides. NOT okay! Okay!
There is the obvious: Offensive or inappropriate messages ANYTHING you wear should be suitable to wear in a professional environment. Offensive messages pictures or logos are not okay, trilled the fairy. BUT WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? asked one Wolf. Any reference to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, violence, gangs, illegal activities, swear words, or sexual suggestiveness is not okay.
Then, how do you accessorize? HEADWEAR Headwear is to stay off while on school grounds (excepts for medical or religious purposes) This includes hats, visors, sweatbands, do-rags, sunglasses, bandannas, and hoods.
And dont forget: FOOTWEAR We must ALWAYS wear safe appropriate shoes. This means no slippers. In science labs and PE, shoes must be closed toed, meaning no flip flops or strappy shoes. YES! …sometimes... NEVER!
ANYTHING ELSE? asked the Wolf Cubs. Well, yes, as a matter of fact… Just remember, body writing and writing on clothing is not allowed. And, if a staff member talks to you about what you are wearing what they request is not negotiable, you simply do what they ask.
The fairy finally advised, If ever you are in doubt about your clothing choices… Dont wear it Consult the online handbook Check with an adult at school Compassion Respect Integrity Responsibility
OH, THANK YOU, DRESS CODE FAIRY! Youve fixed our dilemma and saved the day!!! Look at their GLEE--just from making good decisions, complying with adults, & reading their handbook in advance. Job well done, Wolves! Yeah-uh!!!