Interagency Electronic Reporting System I nternational P acific H alibut C ommission
eLandings data flow with Agencies IPHC ADF&G FTDB NMFS – SF Groundfish Catch Accounting System NMFS – RAM IFQ Halibut/Sablefish IFQ Crab CFEC DOR via ITO
eLandings data flow with Agencies ADF&G FTDB IPHC NMFS – SF Groundfish Catch Accounting System NMFS – RAM IFQ Halibut/Sablefish IFQ Crab CFEC DOR via ITO
Land2Fish Process What is the purpose? Extracts Data from IERS to the ADF&G Fish Ticket Databases (FTDB)
Land2Fish Process What is it? Standalone application at ADF&G HQ When does this happen? Executes every 15 minutes (Except 4-5AM)
Land2Fish Process What does it do? Examines all Landing Reports updated since the last time the job ran. (Last Update Date) Determines if the required information is present and valid. Must be batched in Agency Desktop. Batch must exist in FTDB and Sequential Ticket Number must be in the range of the batch.
days fished Land2Fish Process If data is valid, it creates data in FTDB format landing report id date of landing vessel Assembles “Header” data based on the Landing Report header and permit information. permit ticket
Land2Fish Process item area effort g/p area weight = “Expands” the Landing Report’s itemized catch lines according to business rules. area 2 area 1
Land2Fish Process item area 2 effort g/p area 1 weight = “Expands” the Landing Report’s itemized catch lines according to business rules. item area 1 area 2 weight
effort $p item area 1 area 2 weight Land2Fish Process “Expands” the Landing Report’s itemized catch lines according to business rules.
Land2Fish Process Records when the process started and ended s eLandings team if any errors occurred In turn, we forward any messages needing your attention.
Land2Fish Process What have we been working on? Various process improvements Speed, efficiencies, logs Issue tracking outside of eLandings Jira - ELT Resolved Issues Removed ‘automated’ batching Various errors causing data inaccuracies
Land2Fish Process What’s next? Continued process improvements Use methods from eLandings Salmon Troll Bycatch Audit Process Automated Audit process which will write to an audit log. Ability for you to view reports when errors found - Data Cleanup using Audit Reports
ADF&G eLandings Team the end