Welcome to TDTIMS Bonnie
TDTIMS is Changing In the past we have focused most on SAFETY & EFFICIENCY
TDTIMS is Changing On the other end of the spectrum is PERSONALIZED SERVICE
Service indicators give a way to look at what kind of service you are providing and the ability to compare your level of service with other sites statewide. This also helps to see a balance of the Safety/Efficiency vs. Service SERVICE INDICATORS
TDTIMS TDTIMS is the series of reports generated from your data, to be submitted along with a copy of your data by November 1 each year to be used in the funding process for your district The data must be current and in order to be used in the funding process The data is compared to the TD-2 riders submitted by your district in October
TDTIMS Reporting Don’t use old instructions that may be in your office! The reports are changing this year! Instructions will be available on the web when the new reports are ready and installed Remember: a copy of your data is part of TDTIMS submission (ELTzip)
Check Your Data You should WILL review your data the same way we will because YOU will be filing it in. If we get data from you that doesn’t meet the minimum for the funding formula, we know that you know it doesn’t, and you won’t be surprised that you get a letter indicating that fact.
What Happens to Your TDTIMS Data & Reports? TIMS staff verify and summarize the data. If it meets state criteria (90% of student count represented in TIMS as valid transported students) AND the data represents the current years operation – it is usable for the funding formula. Data and reports submitted to funding formula No February submission required
TDTIMS Potential Problems Your data does not meet 90% of TD2/TD2R figures for the November reporting TIMS Staff has an indication that the data does not represent current operation So… February data submission is required
Problem Areas - Total Students The key figure will be in the report output from 1TDTIMS and located in your REP folder as QMF_ride.txt This figure must be at least 90% of your TD2R student count total TD2 count x.90 = minimum number you must have in order for your data to be used by funding formula
Transported Students To be considered VALID transported students for TDTIMS they must meet the following criteria: They must be ‘located’ ~ To ensure accurate locations, as a part of the UPSTU process, ADSCAN should have been run to locate the students Review and fix as many problems as possible on your ADSCAN error report (report is generated and located in the EMU error files as ADSCAN.ERR)
Transported Students They must be assigned to an AM or PM stop ~ stops need to be on runs and the runs need to be on a route Failure for the stop to be fully assigned all the way to the route level will cause the student to not be considered ‘valid’
Total Miles In addition to student data, TDTIMS checks total bus miles These figures can be extremely accurate if TIMS data matches your actual operation Call your project leader if you feel you have a problem with the mileage data
Total Number of Buses Should include all Regular and Special Needs buses NOT contracted buses, only yellow buses Locally funded trips should NOT be included in this report.
Reports that will be due 2007/2008 1TDTIMS: Count of Valid Riders QMF_RIDE.lea# 1TDTIMS : Route Time and Miles (for submission) QMF_RTM.lea# 1TDTIMS : Route Count QMF_RCNT.lea# 1TDTIMS : Min/Max Stop/Bell Times by Program/Trip Type QMF_MinMax.lea#
Reports that will be due 2007/2008 1TDTIMS : Clusters Archive (* only if clusters are used) QMF_Clusarch.lea# 1TDTIMS : Schools Archive QMF_SchlArch.lea# 1TDTIMS : Runs and Routes Archive QMF_RunRteArch.lea#
Reports that will be due 2007/2008 1TDTIMS : Services and Stops Archive QMF_SrvStpArch.lea# 1TDTIMS : Student Schools, Location, Demos Archive (SIMS or WISE) QMF_StuArch.lea# 1TDTIMS : Student Transportation Archive QMF_StuTrnArch. lea#
.DBF files that will be due 2007/2008 Railroad Reports: RRCRSRPT.CDX* RRCRSRPT.DBF* Student Ride Times: StuRideTimes.DBF *rename in this format RRCRSRPTlea#.CDX RRCRSRPTlea#.DBF StuRideTimeslea#.DBF
What If… Your Data is NOT Ready by Nov 1st Using the ‘incomplete’ option on the form you will send a signed copy of your Audit sheet to Derek Graham 6319 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC And fax a copy to your Project Office NCSU – (919) UNCC – (704) If a re-submission is required, it is due BY Feb. 15. You can submit at anytime before that! Call your project leader for assistance – they will be more than happy to help.
In past years we have been more lenient on submissions, but with the added audit work that we will have to do, we cannot do this in the future. This year letters to the Superintendents may be sent as early as Nov. 6 th, so be aware of this date!!! What If… Your Data is NOT Ready by Nov 1st
Ok, How do I run TDTIMS? New stuff You will need to do two things before starting the TDTIMS reporting: Internal data audit Preprocessing your data
Internal Data Audit Examine the data for completeness before generating the reports: Are your Bell Times Correct? Are all riders located? Are all riders on routes? Do both AM and PM runs exist and placed on routes? Do you have any runs with zero mileage due to incomplete run directions? For routes serving multiple runs, is the slack time between runs valid? Have you included special needs runs and routes?
Getting the Spreadsheet 1.Select: TIMS – School Bus Routing 2.Select: Quick Reference Guides (QRG) 3.Select: #15 Download 2007 TDTIMS Reporting Worksheet 4.Save this File to C:\TDTIMS NOTE: It is recommended that you go to C:\TDTIMS and make a copy of this file so that you may replace the original if you find that you have to restart.
1.Select Medium 2.OK 3.Close Spreadsheet 4.ReOpen Spreadsheet
The next time you open, select ‘Enable Macros’
Non-Driving Time
This is where the data that you input on the previous page will show up in the report that you will sign and submit.
TDTIMSSummary is automatically created in C:\TDTIMS when you click on Print Checklist and Signoff.
Remember!! This signed form is to be MAILED to: Derek Graham & FAXED to: Your Support Office
Report Submissions
CORE FTP You must use the CORE FTP to transmit your data again this year. There will be a TDTIMS 2007 folder to put it in
Transferring the Data via CORE FTP Once the reports and data files exist on your computer, open CORE FTP and connect to begin transfer of the data.