Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi Italian Patent and Trademark Office WP2. Developing the IPR Toolbox Progress presentation.


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Presentation transcript:

Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi Italian Patent and Trademark Office WP2. Developing the IPR Toolbox Progress presentation

Contents  Introduction to WP2  Objective  Aims  General workflow  Introduction to the Toolbox  Metadata tag  Database structure  Points to be discussed together  Upcoming phases 2

WP2. Developing the IPR Toolbox  WP2 Objective: To develop a Toolbox of IPR awareness and enforcement materials to be broadly used in other modules throughout the project and afterwards. This toolbox will be customized and updated during the overall project so that it could be used to provide regular and innovative services according to needs of targets of users (SMEs, repliers, intermediaries, etc) defined with the other WPs leaders. 3

The Toolbox module is borne in mind with the aim to establish a set of applicable tools which will be useful for the other modules and beyond the scope of the project activities in creating the basic means to enable a rising in IPR awareness, management and exploitation. The aims of the toolbox are:  to collect and include currently used or available material;  to create a basis for the gathered tools comparison and content gap analysis;  to fill, by the production of new tools, the most relevant content gaps;  to make the gathered tools available in a structured and user friendly manner both inside and outside the project boundaries. WP2  The Toolbox 4

WP2: introduction to the toolbox  The idea: a structured and customisable dataset of informative IP “items” CollectionClassificationStorageUsage Tag of metadata Database structure: “The toolbox” Integration Updating Users Specific toolboxes IP items gathered in electronic version 5

Metadata tag  What?  A standard form to be filled with “metadata” (  data about data) decribing in an homogeneus manner the relevant characteristics to manage each informative item collected in the Toolbox.  Why?  To classify the material gathered  Numerous  Heterogeneous  Variety of relevant dimensions  To allow items comparison  To develop toolbox content analysis  gaps finding  To make a user-friendly interface helping in the Toolbox usage  How?  General structure scheme (to be shared, validated, eventually updated)  relational database tables of the Toolbox;  Material tagging while uploading in the Toolbox through a gathering material web page or by the Toolbox management team; Metadata tag IP items gathered in electronic version 6

Metadata tag  overview  Main Features:  4 information blocks  Registry: standard item identification  Content: classification of the topic covered  Target: structured description of the intended audience  Maintenance: data required to allow proper Toolbox review and update  Every block will be translated in standard relational database tables (Access file)  The structure allows classification and storage of different media:  Documents / Video / Leaflets / Poster /... ...to build a web-publishable Toolbox  see Annex I for the full Metadata tag tree 7

Metadata tag  general structure /1 Structure key 8

Metadata tag  general structure /2  Notes:  The tree of the Metadata tag scheme is coloured according to the structure key reported below;  Direct input gathering  Direct input gathering: it’s the possibility to write a string of text/number: » Organisation name: Polytechnic of Turin  Closed list input gathering  Closed list input gathering: in this case the user is forced to choose between one of the listed values: » Geographical coverage: EPO  In some cases (orange boxes) the user is allowed to choose many values from the closed list;  Those lists will be enriched according to the dected project needs. Structure key 9

Metadata tag  Registry /1 Structure key 10

Metadata tag  Registry /2  Notes:  This section is intended to provide a first item identification focused on its general properties;  It is articulated in:  Supplier: data identifying the source (country, organisation, contact person);  Media type: the format by which the item works (in the case it’s a document, the broader option, what kind of);  Intellectual property: it is referred to the item IP;  Authorised usage: a mandatory field to register what kind of use of the item is allowed;  Publication date  Due to the structure complexity, the tree scheme of this section is reported in a fully extend way only in the Annex 1 map. 11

Metadata tag  Content /1 Structure key 12

Metadata tag  Content /2  Notes:  This section is focused on the description of the item informative content and it is articulated in :  Type of IP Rights: it is referred to which IPR is/are covered in the item;  AIDA classification: the presented closed list allows to detect which of the different AIDA marketing cathegories is closest to the item informative content.  Keywords: to describe the subject illustrated by the item.  Geographical coverage: what are the administrative boundaries of the IP involved in the informative item. Ex. A manual for the EPO filing written by the Italian Patent Office.  Registry / Supplier / Country: Italy  Content / Geographical coverage: EPO  Specificity: this input field is introduced to identify already available customisation according to the need of the project modules  Language 13

Metadata tag  Target /1 Structure key 14

Metadata tag  Target /2  Notes:  This section is focused on the description of the target audience with respect to which the item is designed to be used;  It is articulated in:  Intended audience: the closed list allows a fast identification of the different professional categories that can be reached by the item;  Organisation: the closed list allows a fast identification of the different types of organisation that can be reached by the item; 15

Metadata tag  Maintenance /1 Structure key 16

Metadata tag  Maintenance /2  Notes:  This section gathers a set of variable to be used in the review / update / integration of the items inserted in the Toolbox  It is articulated in:  Expiring date: if it is explicitly foreseen;  Expiring reason: when applicable, it is referred to the main reason an item should be updated (example: IPC classification periodical update making its content superseded);  Rating: this input cluster is designed to collect the feedback from the item users. 17

Toolbox DataBase  What?  A relational database of metadata tags and related items to be generated and used through the project website.  Why?  Items tagging & uploading  Items analysis  gap finding  customisation  Browse item collection  Download selected item  Gather feedback / Reviewing  Update & Maintenance  How?  Metadata tag  relational database tables  DB masks  web interface / website pages Metadata tag Database structure: “The toolbox” 18

Toolbox DataBase  user perspective Toolbox cover Authentication Main panel Control panel Registry form Tag & upload new item Explore the toolbox Leave a comment See results Download Rate Manage users Manage items Manage comments 19

Toolbox database  DB tables ITEM USER RATE COMMENT One to Many relationship EXPERT 20

Toolbox DataBase  overview Mask (web interfaces /pages) Project community Toolbox development team Log in (authentication / registration request)  Manage (direct access to editable DB components)  Insert contribution (tagging & uploading)  Explore items  Download items  Give feedback  21

Toolbox scheme  database structure  Given the “tagged” items, it is possible to develop proper queries and consultation masks:  Ex.  Patents  Portfolio strategy  for Entrepreneurs  Publication date > 2000  Is something available in all the involved countries ?  Is there a gap ?  what kind of video contents are available ? 22

Toolbox scheme  database creation Module I Focus on items for Facilitators developing services for SMEs. Module II Focus on items for SMEs in footwear, furniture, leather and textile industry. Module III Focus on items for Research projects IP management. Target Users Toolboxes 23

Merging proposal: toolbox & training box Item type  document Content  keyword Registry: Item classification  kind Training expert registry  country Content  keywords Registry : Item classification  kind 24

Points to be discussed together  IP classification  Merging proposal  Technical details  DBMS platform  Website programming language  Available space 25

WP2: general workflow 26

Task 2.1 – Toolbox start up (1-5) Task deployment Deliverable / Internal documents Scheduling Definition of a Toolbox structure proposal D2.1 Schematic plan of the Toolbox M4 – February 08 Definition of a Toolbox construction process Methodology manual draft M4 – February 08 Methodology manual draft circulation and comments collection Feedback checklist, list of relevant services from WP1 M5 – March 08 Fine tuning of the methodology and technical meeting WP3 Feedback report, methodology manual final version M5 – March 08 Integration of the contributors list by WP5 Extended contribution checklist M5 – March 08 Session of material gathering from partners Contribution checklist M5 – March 08 Toolbox prototype implementation Toolbox DB / website work in progress with WP3 M5 – March 08 27

Task 2.2 – Toolbox enhancement (4-9) Task deployment Deliverable / Internal documents Scheduling Session of material gathering from partners Contribution checklist M7 – May 08 Content check and organisation Toolbox dataset revision Content analysis and identification of the top 5 informative gaps Toolbox construction report Integration proposal circulation Feedback checklist New informative material production5 informative items Toolbox final release Website upgrade 28

Task 2.3 – Toolbox deployment (9-16) Task deployment Deliverable / Internal documents Scheduling Specific requirements setting according to the different modules of the projects Feedback checklistM11 Module 1 customisation development Toolbox Module 1M12 Module 2 customisation development Toolbox Module 2 M13 Module 3 customisation development Toolbox Module 3 M14 Circulation of customised Toolboxes Feedback checklistM15 Fine tune of the customised Toolboxes Upgraded versions of the Toolbox and Toolbox report M16 29

Task 2.4 – Toolbox exploitation (9-36) Task deployment Deliverable / Internal documents Scheduling Periodical solicitation of informative materials Contribution checklistEvery 3 months Toolbox upgrading Refreshed Toolbox release Every 6 months Toolbox promotion together with WP5 Release of new informative materials in editable format M18 30

Task 2.5 – Toolbox mainteinance (9-36) Task deployment Deliverable / Internal documents Scheduling Definition of a monitoring questionnaire about the Toolbox QuestionaireM20 Definition of a feedback protocol to monitor Toolbox effectiveness Monitoring procedureM20 Feedback gathering from Toolbox users Every 3 months 31

Task 2.6 – Toolbox audit (1-36) Task deployment Deliverable / Internal documents Scheduling Periodical report delivery Audit reportsEvery 6 months 32

Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi Italian Patent and Trademark Office Thank you!