History of chemistry Gabriela Součková, sk.16
Period of ancient and practical chemistry When people learned to manage fire, they discovered how to cast metals. They become to produced pottery and glas. They knew and used some elelments like sulphur, carbon, gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, lead or mercury. When people learned to manage fire, they discovered how to cast metals. They become to produced pottery and glas. They knew and used some elelments like sulphur, carbon, gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, lead or mercury. Egyptians learned to use some solts and dyes. Egyptians learned to use some solts and dyes. Chinases learned how to produced paper and porcelain Chinases learned how to produced paper and porcelain cast – slévatdye - barvivo pottery - keramika
Antique Greece Greek philosophers left in their writings really interesting, but many times only speculative ideas about matter and earth. Greek philosophers left in their writings really interesting, but many times only speculative ideas about matter and earth. Representatives: Thales from Milet Herakleitos from Efes Leukipos from Milet Démokritos from Abdér (started to use word atomos) Aristoteles from Stageira (he was conviced that matter is formed by four elements – water, wind, fire and earth)
Alchemy – period of prescientic chemistry Alchemy had incredible tasks: Alchemy had incredible tasks: Elixir of life Elixir of immortality Scorcere´s stone Liquid gold Perpetuum mobile Transformation of common metals to gold Immortality – nesmrtelnost Common - běžný
Representatives Abu Abdalah Geber Author of legendary books about chemistry. It isn´t certain if he even existed but we know that books marked by name Geber were used in 13. century in western Europe. Abu Abdalah Geber Author of legendary books about chemistry. It isn´t certain if he even existed but we know that books marked by name Geber were used in 13. century in western Europe. Albert Magnus German monk and philosopher. He described some alloys of metals, the way how to separate gold from mixture by aqua regia or preparation of arsenic Albert Magnus German monk and philosopher. He described some alloys of metals, the way how to separate gold from mixture by aqua regia or preparation of arsenic certain – jistýalloy – slitina aqua regia – lučavka královskámarked - označený
Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus He studied medicine and he travelled a lot as a doctor. He tried to cure some illnesses by useing mercury and its derivates. He thought that chemistry have to be used for the good for mankind Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus He studied medicine and he travelled a lot as a doctor. He tried to cure some illnesses by useing mercury and its derivates. He thought that chemistry have to be used for the good for mankind George Bauer Author of books about mining and chemistry of metals George Bauer Author of books about mining and chemistry of metals Johan Baptist Founder of pneumatic chemistry Johan Baptist Founder of pneumatic chemistry Miming - hornictví
Alchemy left to us some very usefull practical knowlages and described some experimental methods (Destilation, extraction, filtration etc.) Alchemy left to us some very usefull practical knowlages and described some experimental methods (Destilation, extraction, filtration etc.) Great contribution of alchemy was preparation of strong mineral acides (Greek used as the strongest acid vinegar) Great contribution of alchemy was preparation of strong mineral acides (Greek used as the strongest acid vinegar) Unfortunately Alchemists did not descibed some new elements because there was a dogma that number of metals is the same as number of planets Unfortunately Alchemists did not descibed some new elements because there was a dogma that number of metals is the same as number of planets Vinegar - ocet
17. centrury - Period of first scientic knowlages Period of new scientic theories, new technical discoveries and first scientic institutions (f.e. Royal Society founded in 1663 in London) Period of new scientic theories, new technical discoveries and first scientic institutions (f.e. Royal Society founded in 1663 in London) It is also period of great names such as Mikuláš Koperník, Galileo Galilei, Christian Huygens or Robert Boyle It is also period of great names such as Mikuláš Koperník, Galileo Galilei, Christian Huygens or Robert Boyle
18. century New theories and replaceing of older and wrong theories. (Lavoisier´s theory of burning instead Sthal´s theory of flogiston) New theories and replaceing of older and wrong theories. (Lavoisier´s theory of burning instead Sthal´s theory of flogiston) Fromation of basic chemical laws: Dalton´s, Proust´s, Avogadro´s Fromation of basic chemical laws: Dalton´s, Proust´s, Avogadro´s Dalton´s atomic theory Dalton´s atomic theory Lavoisier´s and Lomonosov´s theory about matter Lavoisier´s and Lomonosov´s theory about matter law - zákon
19. And 20. century New chemical disciplins: Biochemistry, Physical chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Organic chemistry, etc. New chemical disciplins: Biochemistry, Physical chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Organic chemistry, etc. New theories: Mendělejev´s periodic law New theories: Mendělejev´s periodic law Representatives: Kekule, Mohr, Guldberg, van´t Hoff, Waag, Arrhenius, Joule, Watson, Criek, Bohr, Calvin Krebs Representatives: Kekule, Mohr, Guldberg, van´t Hoff, Waag, Arrhenius, Joule, Watson, Criek, Bohr, Calvin Krebs