Creativity, action, service (CAS) The CAS requirement is a fundamental part of the programme and takes seriously the importance of life outside the world of scholarship, providing a refreshing counterbalance to academic studies.
Creativity is interpreted broadly to include a wide range of arts activities as well as the creativity students demonstrate in designing and implementing service projects. Action can include not only participation in individual and team sports but also taking part in expeditions and in local or international projects. Service encompasses a host of community and social service activities. Some examples include helping children with special needs, visiting hospitals and working with refugees or homeless people.
The CAS Programme necessitates the collaboration and support of: 1) The School The IB Coordinator and school Administration. Students and parents The faculty and other staff
Together w support from: 2) The Community Government and educational authorities, other departments, organisations etc. The B.S.N. community The broader, national and international community
- MUST be selected and run with the help and under supervision of a supervisor/coordinator. - Should be carried out regularly, possibly with a weekly commitment, throughout the two years. - Some of them should be representative of a cultural group and include an international aspect. - Should provide students with new challenges and broaden their perspective and their experience - Should, wherever possible, involve more than one C.A.S area
- An activity for which a student receives money - An activity where there is no leader or responsible adult on site to set the goals with the student, to guide reflection and to help the students evaluate and develop awareness - All forms of duty within the family, holidays with parents, friends, boyfriends/girlfriends and any activity that the student would have done anyway, independently from the C.A.S programme - Religious devotion and any activity which can be interpreted as promoting one’s faith - Doing simple, tedious and repetitive work even if for free and for the school - Fund raising with no clearly defined end in sight
Amnesty International Beach cleaning projects Befriending people with handicaps Befriending the elderly Books onto tape for the blind Clothes collection projects Coaching of various sports Computer services Dance courses Day care centre assistance Drama activities Environmental action groups First aid training Foreign language tutoring Fund raising for various charities Gardening in for the elderly Horseback riding Hospital assistance or visiting Laboratory assistance Library assistance Museum assistance Musical activities: choir, band, individual instruments Photography Physical education: aerobics, athletics, basketball, cross-country running, football, golf, gymnastics, hockey, skiing, soccer, swimming, tennis, volleyball…. Primary school classroom assistant. Reading, storytelling to young children Recycling paper collection Red Cross volunteers Refugee language support Riding for the disabled Radio Station Salvation Army participation Scouts Mini United Nations Yearbook Youth club assistant
What can you contribute? What can you faculty/department contribute? Have you a special talent? Do you know of any organisations that need help? See Mr. Eddie Aylett for details.