Introductions Instructor Students
Instructor Dr. Hugh Blanton Room: 222-A Phone: Office hrs: T—1:00 pm—4:00 pm R—9:00am—12:00pm M—7:00pm—9:00pm Website:
Students Name Major
PREREQUISITE: Understanding of basic electrical, mathematical, and physical principles.
CATALOG DESCRIPTION A first course in biomedical instrumentation. Content includes hospital equipment safety, biopotentials, electrodes and transducers, the principles of electrocardiographs, pacemakers, defibrillators, IV pumps, catheters and ventilators. Laboratory experiments on medical circuits will be studied or performed.
Objectives: To present basic characteristics that all medical instruments share. To present a generalized set of specifications of instrumentation to guide you in the evaluation and design of medical instrumentation.
WEBSITE Power point presentations will be available on the web site Look in the hyperlink: ENTC_4350.
Joseph J. Carr, John M. Brown, Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology (4th Edition), Prentice Hall; 4th edition (May 30, 2000) ISBN: Richard Aston, Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement (Merrill's International Series in Electrical and Electronics Technology) Textbook
Grades There will be three exams accounting for 60% of the grade and a lab grade accounting for 20% of the grade. There is a subjective grade of 20% based on class attendance and class contribution and involvement.
Content Three general areas 1. Basic Measurement 2. Hospital Safety 3. Medical Instrumentation
Basic Electricity (Weeks 2-4) What is electricity? voltage current resistance capacitance inductance Measuring electricity voltmeters ammeters Alternating Current The Oscilloscope
Week 5 Test 1 (Basic Electricity)
Hospital Safety (Weeks 6-7) Electrical Safety Electrical Injuries Special Hazards
Week 8 Test 2 (Hospital Safety)
Medical Instrumentation (Weeks 9-15) Measurement of strain, temperature, flow, and pressure Cardiac Monitoring Cardiac Assist Devices Respiratory Measurements Pulmonary Function Testing Blood Gas Analysis Renal Analysis Optical Methods Endoscopy Spectrophotometry Infrared Techniques Imaging Methods X-Ray Nuclear Ultrasonics Purchasing Equipment and Planning
Week 16 Final Exam (Medical Equipment)
Labs The Oscilloscope Introduction to PSPICE Series & Parallel DC Circuits Series & Parallel AC Circuits Safety Analyzer Differential & Instrumentation Amplifiers Strain Gauges Measurement of Respiratory Rate and Volume Note that the labs may change!!!