Linnaean Taxonomy Carolus Linnaeus organized plants and animals into 7 hierarchical categories. Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species AnimaliaChordataMammaliaPrimatesHominidaeHomo Homo sapiens
Scientific (species) name Genus + epithet Written in Latin Dead, but universal scholarly language Italicized or underlined Ex:Canis familiaris Mycobacterium leprae Linnaean Taxonomy
Archaea Prokaryotic Unicellular Cell walls of various materials Heterotrophic and autotrophic Mostly extreme habitats
Bacteria Prokaryotic Unicellular Cell walls of peptidoglycan Heterotrophic and autotrophic
Endosymbiotic Theory Lynn Margulis (1960’s) Ancestors of mitochondria and chloroplasts were engulfed by eukaryotic cells. Evidence – m&c… Have double membranes Have their own DNA Reproduce on their own Have their own ribosomes
Protista All eukaryotes not defined as plants, fungi, or animals Algae and protozoans
Fungi Eukaryotic Uni- and multicellular Cell walls of chitin Heterotrophic
Spread by growth… …and spore dispersal Fungi
Asexual Reproduction
Plantae Eukaryotic Multicellular Cellulose walls Autotrophic
Animalia Eukaryotic Multicellular No cell walls Heterotrophic
Systematics “Our classifications will come to be genealogies” Using… Morphology, embryology, paleontology, biochemistry
Phylogenetic Tree
Which of these trees depicts a different phylogeny from the other two?
Amphibians Phylogenetic Tree - Tetrapods Groups- Amphibians, Birds, Mammals, Reptiles Primitive Characteristics Vertebrae, four limbs, heterotrophy, bilateral symmetry Reptiles Birds Feathers Mammals Other Tetrapods Ancestral Tetrapod Amniotic Egg Endothermy Fur
Phylogenetic Tree - Domains (Carl Woese, U of Illinois) Three domains of living things Reorganization:Archaea more similar to Eukarya based on molecular data Progenote Eukarya Protista, Fungi Plantae, Animalia Bacteria Eukaryotes Archaea Prokaryotes Membrane and ribosome structure