Pelvic Floor Prolapse M L Padwick MD FRCOG
What is prolapse ? Prolapse is a condition in which organs, which are normally supported by the pelvic floor, namely the bladder, bowel and uterus, herniate or protrude into the vagina. This occurs as a result of damage to the muscles and ligaments making up the pelvic floor support. At least half of women who have children will experience prolapse in later life.
Statistics ratio surgery for prolapse vs incontinence: 2:1 prevalence of 31% in women aged 29-59 yrs 20% of women on gynaecology waiting lists 11% lifetime risk of at least one operation re-operation in 30% of cases
Factors associated with pelvic floor prolapse age parity big babies menopause obesity occupation home delivery family history
Diagnostic Approach fig4
Pathophysiology Table 1
Pathogenesis childbirth connective tissue disorders menopause chronic intra-abdominal pressure iatrogenic (hysterectomy)
What are the symptoms of pelvic floor prolapse? This depends on the types and the severity of the prolapse. Generally, most women are not aware of the presence of mild prolapse. When prolapse is moderate or severe, symptoms may include sensation of a lump inside the vagina or disturbance in the function of the affected organs, such as:
Bladder stress incontinence urgency frequency incomplete emptying dribbling recurrent urine infections
Bowel low back pain or discomfort incomplete emptying constipation manual decompression incontinence of flatus
Sexual problems looseness and lack of sensation difficult entry and expulsion discomfort or painful intercourse vaginal bleeding in neglected cases
Other can see and feel it back ache dragging sensation increased discharge skin irritation
How can prolapse be prevented? appropriate antenatal and intrapartum care regular postnatal pelvic floor exercises to compensate for childbirth damage in postmenopausal women, oestrogen cream helps maintain tissue strength
Living with pelvic organ prolapse Avoid standing for long periods of time. Do pelvic floor exercises Prevent or correct constipation Wear a girdle Try yoga Wear a pantyliner or incontinence pad Explore alternatives to sexual intercourse Carry wet wipes
Pelvic organ prolapse Non-surgical treatments Physiotherapy - pelvic floor exercises and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) - may be local oestragens Vaginal Pessaries - many choices but regular checks and changes needed and best combined with oestragen creams
Genital prolapse and Pelvic floor muscle exercises Summary We found no RCTs or observational studies of sufficient quality examining the effects of pelvic floor muscle exercises on the symptoms of genital prolapse. Comment Although pelvic floor muscle exercises appear to be effective in reducing the symptoms of urinary stress incontinence (see benefits of pelvic floor muscle exercises in stress incontinence chapter), their usefulness in the treatment of genital prolapse is unproven.
— A good multivitamin and mineral tablet Nutrititon. Supplements The supplement programme below should be taken for at least three months in order to achieve best results Your supplement plan — A good multivitamin and mineral tablet — Vitamin C with bioflavonoids (1000mg twice a day) — Vitamin A (as beta-carotene at 25,000iu per day) — Proanthocyanidins (50 mg per day) — Manganese (5mg per day) — Cranberry supplement (only needed for stress incontinence) At the end of three months you should reassess your condition and adjust your supplement programme accordingly.
Nonsurgical Management
Nonsurgical Management
The Surgical Management of Prolapses Restoration of pelvic structures to normal anatomical relationship Restore and maintain urinary &/or faecal continence Maintain coital function Correct co-existing pelvic pathology Obtain a durable result Principles of Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery
The Surgical Management of Prolapses Patient assessment Careful history Physical examination Neurological assessment Urodynamic evaluation Anorectal investigations
The Surgical Management of Prolapses Surgeons' own expertise, experience and preference Pre-op voiding or bowel dysfunction Duration of efficacy Complications Learning curveof life factors First or repeat surgery The need to treat other pathology Fitness of the patient Underlying pathology Success rates for different procedures Factors affecting choice of operation
The Surgical Management of Prolapses Uterovaginal prolapse is multifactorial in origin Treatment needs to be individualised Approach often needs to be multidisciplinary Quality of life assessment is essential Summary - Female Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Types Of Surgery Anterior and posterior repairs Vaginal hysterectomy Laparoscopic vaginal vault suspension (± mesh) Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Designer Laser Vaginoplasty Vaginal approach to prolapse repair incorporating mesh Laparoscopic paravaginal repairs
Total colpocleisis procedure often coupled with a tension free vaginal tape (TVT) sling procedure for urinary incontinence
Sacrocolpopexy and paravaginal repair for total pelvic floor prolapse