GEO Geohazard Supersites Current Status and key challenges EGU 2013 Vienna Supersites Splinter Meeting
GEO Supersites Objectives The aim of the Geohazard Supersites is “To enrich our knowledge about geo-hazards by empowering the global scientific community through collaboration of space and in-situ data providers and cross-domain sharing of data knowledge. Policy makers and national agencies will benefit from the new scientific knowledge for the assessment and mitigation of geological risks.“ (GEO-VIII Plenary – November 2011, Istanbul)
EPOS is a GEO participating institution TASK-DI-01 C2: Geohazard Supersites and Natural Laboratories EPOS as a regional federation to provide multidisciplinary services for science innovation in solid Earth EPOS contributes through ORFEUS to the FDSN (IN-01)
Stakeholders The Geohazard Supersites is a partnership of organizations and scientists involved in the monitoring and assessment of geo-hazards. The stakeholders are: In-situ data providers (monitoring of seismic and volcanic areas) space agencies and satellite operators providing the satellite data Scientists working on geophysics (understanding) Global geo-hazard scientific community
Strategy The Objective can be achieved 1 - by improved monitoring through coordination of space and in-situ data providers for selected sites (Geohazard Supersites) and regions (Natural Laboratories) 2 - by an e-infrastructure virtually connecting the data providers and users at local level (to be interoperable with others) 3 - by open access to all relevant data sets according to the GEO data sharing principles (seismic, GPS and InSAR, …..).
Achievements Terms of Reference ( – Permanent Supersites – Candidate Supersites – Event Supersites – Natural Laboratories Proposals’ selection – Selection process by CEOS – Proposal guidelines for in-situ data Strategic Plan White Paper
Issues to discuss Formal submission procedure for in-situ Supersite Website Shared periodic evaluation approach of approved proposals Interoperability among local e-RIs and data discovery through webservices An implementation Roadmap Monitoring and coordinating interactions with decision makers