Ragib Hasan University of Alabama at Birmingham CS 491/691/791 Fall 2013 Lecture 1 08/27/2013 Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing
Welcome to the class Administrative details When? : Tue/Thu 11am-12.15pm Where?: CH 145 Web: Instructor: Ragib Hasan Office hours: TBA Course Webpage: 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 20132
Introductions Please tell us – Your name – What level (grad, undergrad, PhD/MS/BS) you are currently – Your advisor – Your research interests – Anything fun/interesting about you 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 20133
Goals of the course Identify the cloud computing security issues Explore cloud computing security issues Learn about latest research 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 20134
What you will get from this course? A clear understanding of challenges in securing clouds An understanding of cloud security problems Knowledge of current/state-of-the-art research in the area A list of open problems Practical knowledge of using clouds (via term projects) 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 20135
Some stats (and incentives) One of the first courses on cloud security in the world Taught at Johns Hopkins and at UAB for the last 5 years Last 2 years: – 4 conference publications (IEEE Cloud, ASIACCS etc.), 1 journal in submission – Students got to travel to Hawaii, China, Finland to present their papers 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 20136
Plan Each week, we will – Pick a different cloud computing security topic – Discuss general issues on the topic – Read one or two latest research paper on that topic – I will give first few lectures, students will do the rest of the lectures (each student will do 1 or 2 lectures) 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 20137
Evaluations Based on paper reviews (30%), presentations (20%), term project (40%), and class/discussion participation (10%) Reviews: – Students taking the course for credit will have to submit 1 paper review per week – The reviews will be short, 1 page discussion of the paper’s pros and cons (format will be posted on the class webpage) Presentation: – For each paper, one of the students will give a talk in the class (30 min). Project: – Students (or groups) can pick any topic related to cloud security. 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 20138
Example Review Summary Mention what problem the paper addresses. What is the approach, and what are the results. Pros Advantages or features you liked. At least 3. Cons Disadvantages or shortcomings. At least 3. Ideas How can you improve the system? Short 2/3 sentence comment on your ideas. 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 20139
Topics we will cover 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 2013 Data and computation integrity and confidentiality Infrastructure, topology Data Privacy NetworkingForensics 10
Required Background Strong background in security is NOT required – This is NOT a crypto course, so it’s fine if you don’t understand the math in a paper – Only basic background in common security concepts is needed (e.g., do you know what confidentiality, integrity, and availability mean? What’s a private key? What’s encryption, hashing?) We’ll take a systems approach towards security, i.e. think about the system’s practicality, performance etc. 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall
Clouds have become ubiquitous How many of you have used a cloud today? Probably, everyone!! 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall
What is Cloud Computing? 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 2013 Let’s hear from the “experts” 13
What is Cloud Computing? 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 2013 The infinite wisdom of the crowds (via Google Suggest) 14
What is Cloud Computing? 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 2013 Larry Ellison, founder of Oracle We’ve redefined Cloud Computing to include everything that we already do.... I don’t understand what we would do differently in the light of Cloud Computing other than change the wording of some of our ads. 15
What is Cloud Computing? 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 2013 Richard Stallman GNU It’s stupidity. It’s worse than stupidity: it’s a marketing hype campaign 16
What is Cloud Computing? 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 2013 Ron Rivest The R of RSA Cloud Computing will become a focal point of our work in security. I’m optimistic … 17
So, What really is Cloud Computing? Cloud computing is a new computing paradigm, involving data and/or computation outsourcing, with – Infinite and elastic resource scalability – On demand “just-in-time” provisioning – No upfront cost … pay-as-you-go 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 2013 That is, use as much or as less you need, use only when you want, and pay only what you use, 18
The real story “Computing Utility” – holy grail of computer science in the 1960s. Code name: MULTICS 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 2013 Why did it fail? Ahead of time … lack of communication tech. (In other words, there was NO (public) Internet) And personal computer became cheaper and stronger 19
The real story Mid to late ’90s, Grid computing was proposed to link and share computing resources 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall
The real story … continued 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 2013 Post-dot-com bust, big companies ended up with large data centers, with low utilization Solution: Throw in virtualization technology, and sell the excess computing power And thus, Cloud Computing was born … 21
Cloud computing provides numerous economic advantages For clients: – No upfront commitment in buying/leasing hardware – Can scale usage according to demand – Barriers to entry lowered for startups For providers: – Increased utilization of datacenter resources 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall
Cloud computing means selling “X as a service” IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service – Selling virtualized hardware PaaS: Platform as a service – Access to a configurable platform/API SaaS: Software as a service – Software that runs on top of a cloud 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall
Cloud computing architecture 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 2013 e.g., Web browser SaaS, e.g., Google Docs PaaS, e.g., Google AppEngine IaaS, e.g., Amazon EC2 24
Different types of cloud computing 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 2013 Amazon EC2 Clients can rent virtualized hardware, can control the software stack on the rented machines Google AppEngine Provides a programmable platform that can scale easily Microsoft Azure Clients can choose languages, but can’t change the operating system or runtime IaaS PaaS 25
So, if cloud computing is so great, why aren’t everyone doing it? 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 2013 Clouds are still subject to traditional data confidentiality, integrity, availability, and privacy issues, plus some additional attacks 26
Companies are still afraid to use clouds 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 2013 [Chow09ccsw] 27
Anatomy of fear … Confidentiality – Will the sensitive data stored on a cloud remain confidential? Will cloud compromises leak confidential client data (i.e., fear of loss of control over data) – Will the cloud provider itself be honest and won’t peek into the data? 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall
Anatomy of fear … Integrity – How do I know that the cloud provider is doing the computations correctly? – How do I ensure that the cloud provider really stored my data without tampering with it? 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall
Anatomy of fear … Availability – Will critical systems go down at the client, if the provider is attacked in a Denial of Service attack? – What happens if cloud provider goes out of business? 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall
Anatomy of fear … Privacy issues raised via massive data mining – Cloud now stores data from a lot of clients, and can run data mining algorithms to get large amounts of information on clients 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall
Anatomy of fear … Increased attack surface – Entity outside the organization now stores and computes data, and so – Attackers can now target the communication link between cloud provider and client – Cloud provider employees can be phished 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall
Anatomy of fear … Auditability and forensics – Difficult to audit data held outside organization in a cloud – Forensics also made difficult since now clients don’t maintain data locally 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall
Anatomy of fear … Legal quagmire and transitive trust issues – Who is responsible for complying with regulations (e.g., SOX, HIPAA, GLBA)? – If cloud provider subcontracts to third party clouds, will the data still be secure? 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall
What we need is to … Adapt well known techniques for resolving some cloud security issues Perform new research and innovate to make clouds secure 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall
Final quote 8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 2013 [Cloud Computing] is a security nightmare and it can't be handled in traditional ways. John Chambers CISCO CEO 36
8/27/2013CS491/691/791 Fall 2013 Further Reading Armbrust et al., Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing, UC Berkeley Tech Report UCB/EECS , February Chow et al., Cloud Computing: Outsourcing Computation without Outsourcing Control, 1 st ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop, November