LANGUAGE ARTS 6 TH GRADE Dana Fowler, teacher
COARSE ELEMENTS The Writing Process Six Traits Step Up to Writing Long Term Projects In Class Essays
The Writing Process Long Term Assignments Pre-Write Outline Rough Draft Revisions Edit Self/Peer Edit Second Revision - Typed Teacher Review – Turn in all writing process steps Final revision – Published End of the Year Portfolio/Autobiography
End of the Year Portfolio * Published Copies of Long Term Writing assignments * Presented in a Three Ring Binder * Include pictures/ illustrations Students should be keeping copies at School in their School computer file, as well as a hard copy in a file I will provide. Additional copies may be kept at home. Students are responsible for maintaining their own file. In May Students will be expected to gather all long term assignments for final revisions and publication
In Class Essays Follow the Writing Process Students must follow these steps independently These Scores will Provide an indication of how students are meeting MSP standards
Scoring Rubric Scored Elements Organization Ideas Word choice/voice Fluency Conventions, Final presentation Score Levels - Expert- advanced Skill, creative thinker, work is of exceptional quality. (A grade) -Practitioner- Proficient skills and knowledge, independent achiever, satisfactory quality (B grade) -Apprentice- Developing skills and knowledge, guidance necessary to succeed, inconsistent quality (C grade) -Novice: Beginning skills and knowledge, high need for support, low quality. (D grade)
What will you see at home? Grammar and vocabulary activities. –Bi-weekly Steps of the Essay Writing Process started at school to be completed at home. –Out of class work increases during the year.
How can you help? Check Raven Book and Sharepoint for due dates, extra copies etc. Extra editing help always appreciated.