Welcome to 6 th Grade Dana Fowler
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Everyday your child must bring… Pencils Pencils A red pen A red pen Loose-leaf paper Loose-leaf paper Social Studies Text book Social Studies Text book Social Studies Work book (kept in class) Social Studies Work book (kept in class) Raven Book Raven Book
Social Studies Social Studies Text book check out to student. Text book check out to student. –Early societies –Cultures of Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome –Religions of these cultures –Government structures –Social life –Influence of other societies Workbook may occasionally come home. Workbook may occasionally come home. –Usually stays at school –Student can write directly in the workbook –Graded by students and teachers Study guides will cover all test items. Study guides will cover all test items. –Parents will be asked to confirm study time and sign.
Social Studies Grading 20% Assignments 20% Assignments 15% Class Participation 15% Class Participation 30% Projects 30% Projects 35% Tests 35% Tests
How to help your child… Monitor Raven Book and Sharepoint for assignments that will be due soon. Monitor Raven Book and Sharepoint for assignments that will be due soon. Ask to see the completed assignment. Ask to see the completed assignment. Check the quality of the work. Check the quality of the work. Before quizzes, quiz your child using the information on the study guide – challenge him/her to recall the information rather than just reading it over and over. Before quizzes, quiz your child using the information on the study guide – challenge him/her to recall the information rather than just reading it over and over. Sign the study guide before the due date and remind your child to bring it to school when due. Sign the study guide before the due date and remind your child to bring it to school when due.
Enrichment Enrichment First period (34 minutes) First period (34 minutes) Additional focused instruction for specific students who need more help Additional focused instruction for specific students who need more help Which students are in which enrichment class will change during the year depending on student progress Which students are in which enrichment class will change during the year depending on student progress Skills taught in enrichment will change as student skills change Skills taught in enrichment will change as student skills change