IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency LICENSING OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITIES, part 2 Luc Baekelandt Safety of radioactive waste management facilities Amman (Jordan), December 2014
International Atomic Energy Agency Content License application (general) Safety assessment (general) Safety assessment (storage of disused sealed radioactive sources, Rakovi ča ) Licence application (Belgium) Safety assessment report (near-surface disposal facility, Belgium) LB/Licensing b/Amman /01
International Atomic Energy Agency Reference Documents TECDOC-1619, Licence applications for LILW predisposal facilities: a guide for operators (2009) Belgian general regulations for the protection of people and the environment against the hazards of ionising radiation Proposed table of contents for the safety report for the near surface disposal of short-lived low- and intermediate-level waste LB/Licensing b/Amman /02
International Atomic Energy Agency License application, including a safety assessment report (general) LB/Licensing b/Amman /03
International Atomic Energy Agency Licence application Basic information Information regarding the management system of the operator Information on the safety activities of the operator LB/Licensing b/Amman /04
International Atomic Energy Agency Licence application – Basic Information description of the site amounts, activity and characteristics of radioactive waste (waste acceptance criteria, waste package specifications) description of the facility, its systems and components modes of operation applicable regulatory documents demonstration of safety, incl. classification of equipment, systems and components, application of the defence in depth principle, use of multiple barriers to prevent releases of radioactive material (by means of a safety assessment report) demonstration of environmental protection (EIA Report) LB/Licensing b/Amman /05
International Atomic Energy Agency Licence application – Management System policy statements of the organisation description of the management system organisational structure definition of the functional responsibilities, accountabilities, levels of authority and interfaces for those managing, performing and assessing work processes and process implementation management of resources control of documents and record keeping system non-conformance, preventive and corrective actions audits management system review LB/Licensing b/Amman /06
International Atomic Energy Agency Licence application – Safety Activities radiation protection control of discharges, environmental monitoring emergency preparedness physical protection and security fire protection future decommissioning public involvement LB/Licensing b/Amman /07
International Atomic Energy Agency Contents of Safety Assessment Report assessment context: purpose philosophy waste acceptance criteria process description site characterisation geosphere/biosphere interface scenario generation and justification development and selection of scenarios model development presentation and assessment of results LB/Licensing b/Amman /08
International Atomic Energy Agency Contents of EIA Report description of the facility anticipated waste description of the environment alternatives anticipated environmental impacts review of characteristics of each environmental impact mitigating adverse effects reversible and irreversible effects economic assessment environmental management plan conclusions LB/Licensing b/Amman /09
International Atomic Energy Agency Safety assessment (storage of disused sealed radioactive sources, Rakoviča) LB/Licensing b/Amman /10
International Atomic Energy Agency Preliminary SAR for storage of DSRS (1) 1.Introduction 2.Regulatory arrangements 3.Safety assessment methodology 4.Areas of the storage facility 5.Safety assessment (main hazards identified in each of the areas) Source collection and transport to the storage facility Source receipt at the storage facility Source unpacking Temporary storage of a source Interim storage of conditioned sources LB/Licensing b/Amman /11
International Atomic Energy Agency Preliminary SAR for storage of DSRS (2) 6. External events Man-made external events Aircraft crash Missile impacts Transport accidents Naturally occurring external events Seismic events Extreme environmental effects Meteorite impact Loss of services LB/Licensing b/Amman /12
International Atomic Energy Agency Preliminary SAR for storage of DSRS (2) 7. Risk to operator exposure to direct radiation (following dropping of a source) input: estimated likelihood of incident, dose rate, time of exposure 8. Risks to members of the public (aircraft crash + fire) input: nuclide inventory, release fraction, distance to source, weather category, dose calculations for various exposure pathways 9. Conclusions LB/Licensing b/Amman /13
International Atomic Energy Agency Licence application (Belgium) LB/Licensing b/Amman /14
International Atomic Energy Agency Licence application in Belgium (1) The licence application for a waste management facility shall include: 1. identity of the applicant, the operator and the facility manager 2. the nature and purpose of the facility, the type and properties of the radiation and the radioactive substances, the destination of the equipment or substances, the location, the protection and safety measures (health physics control, medical surveillance of workers, optimisation of protection) 3. qualification and competence of staff 4. the number of staff members to be employed in the various sectors 5. the commitment to take out an insurance policy covering civil liabilities 6. the commitment to register with ONDRAF/NIRAS and to conclude an agreement with this agency for the management of all radioactive waste 7. a land registry plan and a topographical survey of the region located within a radius of 500 m around the facility and information on the population density within this perimeter and an ordnance survey map on a scale of 1/10,000 covering the 5 km radius around the facility LB/Licensing b/Amman /15
International Atomic Energy Agency Licence application in Belgium (2) 8. a preliminary safety report covering the following elements: geographical and topographical data about the site (geology, seismology, hydrology, meteorology, climatology, economic activities, including agriculture, traffic routes, and demographics) brief description of the installations safety principles to be applied for the construction and subsequent operation of the installations, including design basis accidents of internal or external origin and combinations of the latter selection of construction rules for equipment and civil engineering works brief description of the main circuits (fluid circuits, electrical circuits) and the instrumentation and control system anticipated qualifications for mechanical and electrical equipment LB/Licensing b/Amman /16
International Atomic Energy Agency Licence application in Belgium (3) 8. (cont’d) probabilistic safety analyses already available (for nuclear power plants and reprocessing facilities) anticipated radioactive discharges under normal operation and accident conditions and the anticipated operational limits quality assurance principles expected quantities of radioactive waste produced, including waste from decommissioning, treatment and temporary storage of this waste prior to disposal or handover to ONDRAF/NIRAS 9. a report on the study of the environmental impact of the proposed facility, i.e. a scientific study describing all direct and indirect effects in the short, medium and long term of the project on the environment LB/Licensing b/Amman /17
International Atomic Energy Agency Safety assessment report (near-surface disposal facility, Belgium) LB/Licensing b/Amman /18
International Atomic Energy Agency LB/Licensing b/Amman /18
International Atomic Energy Agency
SAR for NSD facility - Structure LB/Licensing b/Amman /19
International Atomic Energy Agency 1.Context and General Information 2.Safety policy, safety strategy, safety concept 3.Management system 4.Site characteristics 5.Engineered Barriers 6.The waste 7.Design and construction of the packages for disposal (monoliths) 8.Design and construction of the disposal facility 9.Operation SAR for NSD facility – Contents (1) LB/Licensing b/Amman /20
International Atomic Energy Agency 10.Closure of the disposal facility 11.Post-closure measures (control period) 12.Radiation protection 13.Safety assessment – operational safety 14.Safety assessment – long-term safety 15.Conformity criteria for the disposal packages 16.Monitoring 17.Technical specifications SAR for NSD facility - Contents LB/Licensing b/Amman /21
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