EduConnect Mentoring Program WA ITA Benefits July 2011
EduConnect links the passion of Microsoft employees, to our companys education focus, in order to create learning opportunities for today's students and tomorrow's knowledge, and a way for all employees to get involved…creating a win-win situation for students, schools, employees, and Microsoft. 54 participating subsidiaries 1600 employee volunteers 120,500 students reached since % growth since worldwide launch at MGX 2010 Presentations and training on over 50 Microsoft technologies All student grade levels from Kindergarten through higher education 2 Fast-Facts
5 hours mentoring per month provided to the following groups and on the following topics: 1.For Educators – How to integrate technology into lesson plans 2.For School Leaders – How to leverage technology to improve school performance 3.For Students: – How to get recognized and make a difference through your interests in computing – Internet safety and inclusion (anti-bullying) – Free education tools and how to integrate and use to impact learning Benefits