Whitewater Strategies, Inc. CONFINED SPACES- ROLES WORKERS PLAY QUIZ 1 Confined spaces are areas in the workplace that are difficult to get into and out of. True
Whitewater Strategies, Inc. CONFINED SPACES- ROLES WORKERS PLAY QUIZ 2 Working in confined spaces can present multiple potential hazards. True
Whitewater Strategies, Inc. CONFINED SPACES- ROLES WORKERS PLAY QUIZ 3 Excessive noise is the chief hazard of working in confined spaces. False -- Although excessive noise is a hazard to hearing, poor ventilation is the greatest hazard to health when working in confined spaces.
Whitewater Strategies, Inc. CONFINED SPACES- ROLES WORKERS PLAY QUIZ 4 Each confined spaces permit issued is good for a period of one year. False -- Each confined spaces permit is good for one specific job only.
Whitewater Strategies, Inc. CONFINED SPACES- ROLES WORKERS PLAY QUIZ 5 Permits must be issued and signed by the company's safety manager. False -- Permits are issued and signed by the entry supervisor who also cancels the permit after the job is over.
Whitewater Strategies, Inc. CONFINED SPACES- ROLES WORKERS PLAY QUIZ 6 Unless you are an authorized entrant, an attendant, or an entry supervisor, it is your responsibility to stay away from the confined space work area. True
Whitewater Strategies, Inc. CONFINED SPACES- ROLES WORKERS PLAY QUIZ 7 In an emergency, it's okay to enter a confined space with verbal permission. False -- Restricted entry permits must always be written.
Whitewater Strategies, Inc. CONFINED SPACES- ROLES WORKERS PLAY QUIZ 8 Attendants maintain contact with authorized entrants, but do not enter confined spaces themselves. True
Whitewater Strategies, Inc. CONFINED SPACES- ROLES WORKERS PLAY QUIZ 9 List three major hazards of working in confined spaces. Answers should include: – poor ventilation – poor visibility (causing trips or falls) excessive heat – entrapment (working in tight, dark areas)
Whitewater Strategies, Inc. CONFINED SPACES- ROLES WORKERS PLAY QUIZ 10 List five pieces of information that must be included on a confined spaces permit. Answers Include: – Purpose for entering the space – Names of authorized entrants, attendants, and entry supervisors Hazards of the space – Acceptable conditions for entering the space Steps taken to control or reduce the hazards – Equipment used to test and monitor the atmosphere of the confined space Rescue procedures and equipment – Communication procedures between authorized entrants and attendants Required PPE