Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - GARD Communication Issues Nikolai Khaltaev and Elisabetta Minelli GARD Meeting ERS Congress 3 September, Munich
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - Photo shoot boy with asthma GARD Publications oGARD Flyer oGARD Manual oGeneral Meeting Report, Beijing, March 2006 GARD Branding oGARD Communication Framework oGARD Website oGARD Logo Overview
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - Rohan Pankaj from India will be the face of GARD promotional and advocacy materials Idea of a personal story (during World Asthma Day) Within the line of the Departmental Communication Strategy (Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion) Photo shoot boy with asthma
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - Publications
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - To improve the visibility of GARD within and outside WHO To raise awareness about chronic respiratory diseases and of the existence of GARD To invite other organizations to join GARD Spanish version exists (used during GARD Regional Launch in Buenos Aires, Argentina) GARD Promotional Flyer
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - GARD Flyer: front side
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - GARD Flyer: backside
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - GARD Flyer: Spanish
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - Editor is contacted and started editing the document in August 2006 After editing, the graphic design process will start (middle – end of September 2006) in collaboration with ACE Team (Advocacy, Communications and External Relations) Publication of GARD Manual foreseen for middle November 2006 (during World COPD Day?) GARD Manual
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - Same editor as the GARD Manual will do the editing After editing, the graphic design process will start in collaboration with ACE Team Publication of GARD Beijing Meeting Report foreseen for middle December 2006 GARD General Meeting Report Beijing
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - GARD Branding
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - It was agreed by all collaborating parties that GARD shall have its own visual identity (branding) in order to: Reflect the value added of the unique collaboration of GARD collaborating parties; Promote the work of the Alliance and improve its visibility within and outside WHO; Strengthen information products related to GARD. GARD visual identity
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - WHO Director General Office (Legal Office and Communication) WHO Working Group on Partnerships is working to set out guidelines for WHO to work in partnership. Guidelines relate to governance, hosting and secretariat arrangements, personnel issues, registration, communication issues, etc. The branding of the alliance in respect of WHO branding is one of the key issues under discussion.
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - DGO position on GARD In principle, DGO (LEG and Communication) has accepted that GARD shall have its own branding: GARD logo and co-brand website. However, we have been asked to outline a communication framework to define how we intend to position GARD branding in respect of WHO branding (e.g. who can use GARD logo?; shall GARD logo be used always along with WHO logo?). Once the framework has been outlined and agreed by LEG (Sept-Oct 2006), GARD will be able to use its own logo and to launch the co-brand website.
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - Changes in current GARD website: pictures, calendar of events, news section Most important sections (home page, working groups) are available in French and Spanish Approval of Legal and Webteam to go ahead with co- brand website Currently starting with design process of frame for the website Once design is finalized, new website will go live and all info will be transferred to the new site GARD Website
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - GARD Website Pictures
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - GARD Website News section about CRD in general General information about GARD Upcoming conferences and events of GARD collaborating parties
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - GARD Website: French
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - GARD Website: Spanish
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - Eligibility of GARD to have a logo Accepted in principle by LEG Need for a communication framework A draft shall be discussed with LEG in September Request to be sent to DGO GARD Logo
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion – Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases - Design of GARD Logo Since GARD has to fit in the Communication Strategy of the CHP Department, ACE Team is involved in coming up with a GARD logo. ACE reviewed the logo discussed by GARD collaborating parties in Beijing and asked for some changes. It is their proposal that 2/3 designers (including the one that realized the one accepted during the Beijing Meeting) are contracted for proposing other ideas for GARD logo. The proposals will then be submitted again to GARD collaborating parties for their decision and approval. GARD Logo