Technology Club – Graphic Design Denise G. Gonzales Technology Integration Specialist
Agenda ECISD Technology Club Website Graphic Design – Samples Graphic Design Do’s & Don’ts MS Paint MS Word Publisher Advanced Features –Going from Paint to Word –Going from Paint to Publisher Contests –October Tech Fest & TLA contests PowerPoint –Evaluation / Feedback Questions & Answers
Samples Taking a closer look at ECISD winning samples.
Sample Using MS paint
Samples using photos & Text on MS Word
Sample using MS Word & Pictures
Samples using MS Paint & Publisher
Sample using Word and Text
Reflection on Samples What makes these samples winners? What ideas did your groups have?
Graphic Design Do’s Design & Layout should be symmetrical/ balanced Foreground and background color should not clash Powerful focal point Use appropriate graphics – ensure quality Study winning entries Be creative – think outside the “mold”
Graphic Design Don’ts Too much text Busy Background patters Entire student name on entries School and Teacher name on entries
Best Practices
MS Paint - Basics Create a picture using paint –use the pencil, brush, spray can, eraser & fill feature –Use the select feature (square and free form shape) –Use the dropper, shapes and lines –Work w/ the view (normal & zoom)
MS Paint to Animation
Working with MS Word Working w/ picture from MS paint Layer a clip art Add some text Keep the best practices in mind
Working with MS Publisher Create a brochure and insert picture from paint, word and camera Keep the best practices in mind
Sharing ideas Lets share some samples that were created.
Contests ECISD October Technology Fest –Online Safety Slogan Contest Texas Library Association – Texas Media Awards – Graphic Design categoryTexas Library Association – Texas Media Awards – Graphic Design category
Technology Club Website ECISD Technology Club website
Sources How to Design a Fabulous poster by: Monalisa Overdrive video by: Juno Reactor Graphic Design Samples by: ECISD Student Winners