General Awareness Training Security Awareness Module 3 Take Action! Where To Go for Help
2 Take Action! Evaluate your environment and make personal department hygiene changes Use passwords on all secure systems and files, and change your password frequently. All University computer users should at the very least maintain passwords for logging on to their computers. Do not write down your password and leave it someplace that is easy to find (like under your computer keyboard or in a side drawer) Use passwords for sensitive files or documents. Return
3 Take Action! Do not use simple, easy-to-guess passwords. Use passwords that include numbers and letters. Immediately contact IT if you believe there has been a breach of computer security. Credit card information should not be stored on individual computers. Storage of social security numbers should be minimized Contractual compliance obligations and requirements for IR Protect your identity, change password often Return
4 Take Action! Share your information security responsibility and reduce liability Seek more information as it is appropriate for your position Return
5 Take Action! Again, computer security is every computer user’s responsibility. The IT staff, namely the information security officer and his designee, should be contacted when any computer user has reason to believe that a breach of computer security has occurred Return
6 Where do I go for Help? Information Technology ServicesExtensions Access Control Account Management Application and Operational Assessment Computer Configuration Management Certification Patch Management Reporting Security Incident Risk Assessment Security Incident Spyware Training Virus and Worm Software