Microsoft IT Academy Program Curriculum
Your goal is to make learning more motivating, relevant, collaborative, and engaging for todays students. Microsoft IT Academy can help you with curriculum options and materials that improve how you advance each students progress and engage them in new and effective ways.
Curriculum Resources Official Microsoft-E-Learning Self-paced, interactive, online learning that covers a wide range of Microsoft technologies. Microsoft Official Courseware textbooks ADEMYMEMBERS/ITAMOC.mspx Professional training available only to Microsoft IT Academies and Microsoft-authorized training partners. Microsoft Official Academic Courseware demymembers/ITAMOAC.mspx Available to academic institutions only; contains courses for information workers and IT professionals. Digital Literacy Self-paced, interactive training for students who want a fundamental understanding of computers. E-Reference Library demymembers/ITAereference.mspx Instant access to 127Microsoft Press books online that can be used for teaching in the classroom. Other Microsoft Resources for Educators Find additional valuable teacher resources on the Microsoft Education website. CCI Learning Solutions Exam Prep Materials uctorResources/tabid/455/language/en- US/Default.aspx Microsoft Office Specialist and MTA exam preparation learning materials will help teachers fully prepare students for certification exams.