1. 2 The aim of research project to examine ways in which Indonesian academic libraries can be developed in order to assist the higher education sector.


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Presentation transcript:


2 The aim of research project to examine ways in which Indonesian academic libraries can be developed in order to assist the higher education sector to produce high quality research, teaching, and learning outcomes.

3 Objective of the Research Assess the current and required level of education qualifications and continuing professional development of librarians working in Indonesian academic libraries.  Establish a base for the understanding of the future development and implementation of LIS education and CPD in Indonesia

Desired outcome: to develop Indonesian human resources 4

5 The survey instrument was based on the NEXUS survey distributed to Australian librarians in Data collected in Indonesia December March 2009

6 This presentation will show a comparison of survey results on key indicators for Indonesian and Australian library and information staff.

7 PublicPrivateTotal MoNE812,3472,428 MoRA Total1332,7492,882 % Indonesian Universities MoNE: Ministry of National Education MoRA: Ministry of Religious Affairs

8 Research Population Librarians who work in Indonesian Public Universities. Survey population : 1,282 librarians (December 2008) Returned Survey : 812 (63.3%) responses Compared to Nexus 800 respondents

9 ? Private Universities? To become a librarian in government employment in Indonesia requires accreditation. While in Private universities, Pendit (2001) noted that it is difficult to identify their librarians because the system of accreditation has met resistance by the private institutions, as a result it is difficult to identify the total number of qualified librarians working in private universities, or to assess their levels of qualifications and competency

10 Indonesian Academic Library in the Picture

Watampone university library

12 Institute Technology Sebelas Maret Library in Surabaya

Circulation Desk Watampone University

14 Circulation desk in ITS Library

Shelves and reading area in Walisongo University, Semarang

Shelves and reading area in Sunan Kalijaga University, Yogyakarta

Computer rooms in Walisongo University, Semarang

18 Computer rooms in ITS University, Surabaya

19 Survey Results

20 Indonesia %Australia % Male Female Gender

21 Age Indonesia %Australia %

22 Status of LIS qualification Indonesia % Australia % Already qualified Currently studying Librarianship No library qualification/ Studying

LIS Qualifications Academic Librarians Indonesia Diploma 1 Diploma 2 Diploma % Bachelor 42.5% Grad Dip 0.2% Masters 9.6% Australia 0% Bachelor 27% Grad Dip 52.1% Masters 18.2%

24 Areas for improvement in LIS course (Indonesia only) % (of respondents ) IT content (insufficient) 49.0 Financial support 15.2 Practicum (insufficient) 12.3 Tutorial time (insufficient) 8.3 Quality of lecturers 7.8 Foreign language instruction (insufficient) 6.9

25 CPD Activity Performed Function/ ActivityIndonesiaAustralia Professional organizations Formal conferences, workshops and training events Informal workplace learning Research and publishing Managing training and staff development

26 Participation in CPD and impact on work performance Knowledge and skills IndonesiaAustralia Participating % Positive % Participating % Positive % Job-oriented skills Technology skills Customer-service Management Other professional development (e.g.. subject skills)

27 Perception of CPD: quality Indonesia %Australia % There is good quality training available for my profession I spend too much time on training courses

28 Perception of CPD: focus Indonesia % Australia % My career would benefit from technology skills training My career would benefit from management skills training

29 Perception of LIS profession and career Indonesia %Australia % I believe people are interested in joining this profession There will be lots of opportunities for LIS jobs in the future I would be happy to spend the rest of my career in my current position

30 Implications for Indonesia... ILS recruitment required Levels of education need to be improved More focus on ICTs in education Quality of CPD needs to be enhanced

31 Next Stage Investigate the perception of Indonesian academic librarians regarding their role in developing library services. Investigate the perception of university and library managers in Indonesian higher education about the current and future role of academic librarians. Assess the role of education and continuing professional development in the delivery of services by Indonesian academic libraries, when compared to other factors in the development of those services. Develop a model to improve the effectiveness of Indonesian library education and CPD.