My ABC book of U.S. History By: Trevor Henry 2 nd period May,
Ambush- A surprise attack. Arsenal- A storage place for weapons and ammunition. Abstain- To not take part in some activity, such as voting. Annex- To add a territory to ones own territory.
Backcountry- A region of hills and forests west of the tide-water. Blockade runner- Ship that sails into and out of a blockade area. Boycott- To refuse to buy items from a particular country. Burgesses- Elected representatives to an assembly.
Cabinet- A group of advisers to the president. Canal- An artificial waterway. Capital- Money for investment. Cede- To give up by treaty.
Debtor- Person or country that owes money. Diversity- Variety or difference. Draft- The selection of persons for required military service. Drought- A long period of time with little rainfall.
Emancipate- To free from slavery. Entrenched- Occupying a strong defensive position. Effigy- Rag figure representing an unpopular individual. Export- To sell goods abroad.
Famine- An extreme shortage of food.Freedman- A person freed from slavery. Frigate- Warship Fugitive- Runaway or trying to run away.
Genocide- the deliberate destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group. Global warming- A steady increase in average word temperatures. Greenback- a piece of U.S. paper money first issued by the North during the Civil War. Guerrilla tactics- referring to surprise attacks or raids rather than organized warfare.
Holocaust- The name given to the mass slaughter of Jews and other groups the Nazis during WW2. Habeas Corpus- A legal order for an inquiry to determine whether a person has been lawfully imprisoned. Horizontal Integration- The combining of completing films into one corporation. Hiero Glyphic- An ancient form of writing using symbols and pictures to represent words, sounds, and concepts.
Import- To buy goods from foreign markets.Impressments- Forcing people into service, as in the navy. Internet- A worldwide linking of computer networks. Ironclad- Armored naval vessel.
John Paul Jones- A daring American naval officer.Joint Occupation- The possession and settling of an area shared by two or more countries. Andrew Johnson- 17 th President of the United States. Judicial Review- The right of the supreme court to determine if a law violates the constitution.
Landslide- An overwhelming victory. Legislative Branch- The branch of government that makes the nations laws. Literacy- The ability to read and write. Lynching- Putting to death a person by the illegal action of a mob.
Kansas-Nebraska Act- Fighting for control of free or slave state. Bleeding Kansas- a war in Kansas. Fracis Key Scott- Wrote the star spangled banner. King George 3 rd - King of England.
Maize- An early form of corn grown by Native Americans. Majority- More than half. Mission- Religious settlement.Monopoly- Total control of an industry by one company.
Naturalization- To grant full citizenship to a foreigner. Neutral- Taking no side in a conflict. Neutrality- A position of not taking sides in a conflict. Nullify- To cancel or make ineffective.
Offensive- Position or attacking or the attack itself. Ordinance- A law or regulation. Override- To overturn or defeat, as a bill proposed in congress. Overseer- Person who supervises a large operation or its workers.
Partisan- Favoring one side of an issue. Petition- A formal request. Pilgrimage- A journey to a holy place. Plurality- Largest single share.
Radical- Extreme.Ranchero- Mexican ranch owner Recruit- To enlist soldiers in the army. Rendezvous- A meeting.
Quakers- A name for a member of the religious. Queue Act- Act passed in 1794 by the Britain parliament to establish French civil law. Quartering Act- where American colonists had to ensure that Britain solders had housing. John Quincy Adams- 6th president of the United States.
Secede- To leave or withdraw.Secession- Withdrawal from the Union. Sectionalism- Loyalty to a region. Suffrage- The right to vote.
Tariff- A tax on imports or exports. Temperance- The use of little or no alcohol drinking. Tribute- Money paid for protection. TeJano- A Mexican who claims Texas as his home.
Unalienable right- A right that cannot be surrendered. Unconstitutional- Not agreeing or consistent with the Constitution. Underground Railroad- a system that helped enslaved African Americans follow a network of escape routes. Utopia- Community based on a vision of a perfect society sought by reformers.
Vaquero- Hispanic ranch hand. Vertical Integration- The combining of companies that supply equipment and services needed for a particular industry. Veto- To reject a bill and prevent it from becoming a law. Vigilantes- People who take the law into their own hands.
War Hawks- Republicans during Madison's presidency who pressed for war with Britain. Writ of Assistance- Legal document that enabled officers to search homes and warehouses for goods that might be smuggled. David Walker- A Boston published writer impassioned argument against slavery. George Washington- 1 st President of the United States.
XYZ Affair- Was a dispute with France.
Yankee- Union solider. Yellow Journalism- A type of sensational, biased, and often false reporting. Yeoman- Southern owner of a small farm who did not have enslaved people.
John Peter Zenger- Was a part of New York's weekly journal. Zuni- People of the Southwest.