Petr Wawrosz Herbert Heissler University of Finance and Administration Prague, Czech Republic
1993: 123 thousands 2011: 357 thousands Impossible trinity: larger quantity, higher quality and moderate public spending
Decline importance of other factors: - raw materials - capitals tocks - technology Human capital - private and public returns Education for citisenships versus vocational training
Private benefits are realized ex post Owner of HC cannot give satisfied guarantee How to overcome liquidity constraint : postpone payment to the period when borrower earn enough money Possible ways: - Human Capital Contract - Graduate tax - Income Contingent Loan
= a voluntary private contract between a student and an investor in which a student commits part of his future earnings to an investor for a fixed period of time in exchange for capital for financing education Main parameters: - percentage of income and the repayment period Disadvantages: - hidden income - adverse selection - willingness investors to invest money for lung run (bad example: MRU)
State lend money to student (can give directly money to university) Student return money in form of graduate tax
Australia (HECS, HELP) Great Britain Government Participation
What is necessary to explain (clearly stipulate): - The place of the student loan scheme or schemes in the total array of policy elements making up the complex sharing of higher educational cost. - The aim of the loan scheme. - The degree of subsidization (how much government subsidizes the loan). - The method of rationing or targeting (who recieves loans). - Default risk. - The manageability of repayments. - Method of disbursement.