Welcome to Maths, Science and Technology Enrichment Day Our Competence this term is: ‘Research and Transfer of knowledge’. This means finding and using information in different ways.
Today, your class has to look at lots of evidence and then decide… Should we stop eating chocolate?
Each class will have one group of… Health experts Plantation workers Chocolate makers Each expert group will have a different point of view. You have to persuade the rest of the class that you are right! Eco warriors Chocolate eaters Local MP
Should we stop eating chocolate? Each group of experts will find out about different aspects of this argument. You each need to find evidence that supports your expert point of view. Then you need to organise the evidence you find into a short presentation (maybe 5 minutes long) to persuade the rest of the class to your point of view. Near the end of the day, each group will present their evidence and point of view to the rest of the class. You will also be able to watch a short video giving another group’s opinion Then you will all vote to make a decision.
Health experts Chocolate makers You need to persuade us all to stop eating chocolate! You need to persuade us all to keep on eating chocolate! You need to persuade us all to eat only FairTrade chocolate! Plantation workers Chocolate eaters Local MP Eco warriors
What you have to do today Prepare! Skim/scan your pack so you know what’s in it (the pack is also available via the QR code). Make sure everyone in your group understands what the group is trying to do. Look at the important questions for your group. Share out the work: Every person in your group needs to make themselves an expert on ONE of these important questions. Decide who will research each question. Agree what time you will meet up again to see how you are getting on.
Do the work! Do the research to answer your chosen question. Every person needs to become an expert on ONE important question. What will persuade the others in the class? One computer between 2 students
Share information! Get together as a group again to share what you know and to plan for your presentation. Decide what you will need. Everyone must contribute. Finish the presentation! Prepare materials for the presentation. (Graphs, posters, key facts…) Rehearse your presentation.
Some pupils have a special task: to make a video either ‘for’ or ‘against’ continuing to eat chocolate. We hope that these videos will be ready for you to watch at the very end of the day. You will also have an opportunity to eat a small amount of chocolate and then burn off the calories!
GOOD LUCK! as a teamRemember that you will need to work sensibly as a team Help one another Share out the work Prepare resources and evidence to help you Do the best you can!Do the best you can! Join in!Join in! Have fun!Have fun!
Start of P1 Explain the task Students put into 6 evenly sized groups and each group allocated an expert role Remainder of P1 + P2 + P3 Answer the questions in the packs; find other evidence to support your group’s views (each group will have access to 1 computer to do more detailed research). Start to pull your findings together for a debate this afternoon. Chocolate and exercise opportunity at some point! Start of P4 20 minutes for each group to finish pulling their findings together. Make sure you are prepared too explain your views. Remainder of P4 Class debate P5 Watch the for and against videos being made during the day Evaluation – use the learning logs