SELL, Bordeaux – 2010: stormy weather Claudine Xenidou-Dervou
SELL, Bordeaux 2010
10 years of SELL 1 st Meeting: Thessaloniki, Greece 2 nd Meeting: Barcelona, Spain 3 rd Meeting: Cappadocia, Turkey 4 th Meeting: Naples, Italy 5 th Meeting: Lisboa, Portugal 6 th Meeting: Thessaloniki, Greece 7 th Meeting: Madrid, Spain 8 th Meeting: Trieste, Italy 9 th Meeting: Izmir, Turkey 10 th Meeting: Bordeaux, France
SELL, Bordeaux 2010 Participants Universities 4 years undergraduate programs Graduate programs Research 14 Technological Education Institutes 3 years undergraduate programs National Library of Greece Academy of Athens
SELL, Bordeaux 2010 PublisherServiceLicense Agreement ElsevierScienceDirect3 yrs/1100 e-journals SpringerSpringerLink1 yr/400 electronic journals Academic PressIDEAL3 ys/174 electronic journals KluwerKluwer Online3 yrs/400 e-journals & access to all Plenum e- journals MCBEmerald3 yrs/114 electronic journals OCLCFirstSearch1 yr/12 bibliographic databases WilsonMegaFile1 yr/2500 journals 1100 Full Text Institute of PhysicsIoP3 yr/38 Full Text journals
SELL, Bordeaux 2010 New Participants (in 2000) The 18 Research Institutes of Greece University of Cyprus Pedagogical Institute Institute of Computer Technology (ITY)
SELL, Bordeaux onwards e-access only!!!
SELL, Bordeaux 2010 a: Number of students b: Number of faculty members c: Number of departments d: Mean cost per title for each member’s overall print subscriptions f: Percentage of contribution 40%, 30%, 10%, 20%: weight factors Contribution percentage on the budget for the 2003 members of HEAL-Link
SELL, Bordeaux 2010 Participants Universities 15 Technological Education Institutes National Library Of Greece Academy of Athens Hellenic Parliament Library Universities of Cyprus (3) 14 Research Institutions of General Secretariat for Research and Technology Pedagogical Institute National Agricultural Research Foundation
SELL, Bordeaux 2010 Journals of HEAL-Link Collection (1999 – 2009)
SELL, Bordeaux 2010 Articles Downloaded (1999 – 2008)
SELL, Bordeaux Journals (Contracts) + 7 Backfiles Agreements Journals (Open access) Books 184 Book series 6 Bibliographic / Full text Databases 3 Collections of general and specialized Dictionaries HEAL-Link Collection
SELL, Bordeaux 2010 Published Documents
SELL, Bordeaux 2010 International Collaboration
SELL, Bordeaux 2010 PORTICO (May 2009)PORTICO (June 2010) PublishersArchiving Post-Cancellation Access Archiving Post-Cancellation Access ALPSP???? American Chemical SocietyYesNoYesNo American Institute of PhysicsYesNoYesNo American Psychological Association (PsycARTICLES) Yes Association of Computing Machinery No YES Cambridge University PressYesNoYesNo ElsevierYes EmeraldNo YES IEEEYesNoYesNo Institute of PhysicsYesNoYesYES Kluwer Law InternationalNo Lippincott Williams & WilkinsNo Oxford University PressYes Project MUSE???? SageYes SpringerLinkYesNoYesYES Taylor & FrancisYes WileyYes
SELL, Bordeaux 2010 Other activities so far Digitization projects e-coursepacks User training Online reference Institutional repositories Open access journals
SELL, Bordeaux 2010 Future Plans Funding from Foundations Preservation studies – local loading