INTEROP WP10: Training activities by e-learning Raúl Poler.


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Presentation transcript:

INTEROP WP10: Training activities by e-learning Raúl Poler

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Contents WP10 Working Plan Task Assignment Workpackage Monitoring Connection with other WPs Next meetings

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan WP10 Overview WP10 Glossary Document Repository Tutorials Web courses PhD Program Master Program Synergy

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Tasks  Task 10.1  Task Preparation and dissemination of a Glossary on Enterprise Modelling, Architecture & Platform and Ontologies.  Task 10.2  Task To create a virtual Library of papers about interoperability (Interoperability Explicit Knowledge Repository- IEKR)  Task 10.3  Task Creation of Tutorials (interactive courses on CDROM) on Interoperability.  Task 10.4  Task Creation of web courses about interoperability.  Task 10.5  Task Coordination of the creation of a European Master on Interoperability.  Task 10.6  Task Coordination of the creation of a European PhD Program on Interoperability.

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Participants  Polytechnic University of Valencia (Leader)  GRAISOFT  Université Henri Poincaré – Nancy 1  Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR - IASI)  Stiftelsen for Industriell log Teknisk Forskning ved NTH - SINTEF  AIDIMA  Ecole Centrale de Lille  University degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”  Tilburg University  Kungl Tekniska Högskolan  University of Geneva  Free University of Bolzano-Bozen  Institute for Information Systems at the German

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Participants

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Deliverables & Milestones  Deliverables  Deliverables: D 10.1 Interoperability Glossary (Month 12) D 10.2 Interoperability Explicit Knowledge Repository-IEKR (Month 18)  Milestones  Milestones: M6 To define web sites and responsible for IEKR and courses about interoperability (Month 6) M18 List of Universities and Institutions participating in Master and PhD Program on Interoperability (Month 18) M18 Tutorials and web-courses on Interoperability (1st version) M24 Creation of a European Master on Interoperability M36 Tutorials and web-courses on Interoperability (2nd version) INTEROP portal

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Task Preparation and dissemination of a Glossary  Duration: One year (M1-M12)  Based on a Web interface: The glossary will be made up of two main parts:  Public zone: consultation of the Glossary by any external user (with search engine).  Private zone: insertion of terms in the Glossary by the partners, sending of revision requests and term approval & publication.  Classified in: Modelling Architectures & Platforms Ontologies  Term fields: Term: text Modelling: checkbox Arq&Plat: checkbox Ontology: checkbox Definition: text Author: text Language: text Date: date Partner: text SendToRev: checkbox Revised: checkbox Validated: checkbox Score: integer Done by WP2 new

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Task Preparation and dissemination of a Glossary  Working method: WP2 will develop the Web environment supporting the glossary. WP10 will develop a manual of the Web environment in order to avoid problems with the insertion process. INTEROP members will be the providers of terms and definitions. Each term will be able to have more than one definition and will be assigned to a WP10 participant as reviewer. Finally, the revised terms (after all needed modifications done in the portal) will be checked as valid in order to be published in the Public web space. D10.1 will include all gathered terms. Develop Web Environment M1-M6 Term Insertion Term Revision Term Approval & Publication Web Environment M7-M11 M12 Develop D10.1

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan  Divided in seven formal subtasks: Task Preparation and dissemination of a Glossary Weight (%) in WP10 TASK PREPARATION AND DISSEMINATION OF A GLOSSARY 9 1Develop the Web environment to support the glossary 4 2Elaborate manual about the Glossary introduction process and Web interface 0,5 3Request the insertion of terms in the glossary to all INTEROP partners 0,25 4Drive the revision process (assign and send terms to be revised by WP10 Partners) 0,75 5Revise terms 2 6Revision approval and term validation 0,5 7Develop Deliverable "Interoperability Glossary" 1

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Task Preparation and dissemination of a Glossary Task 1 Planning Task 1 Planning

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Task Create a virtual Library of papers (IEKR)  Duration: One year and a half (M1-M18)  Based on a Web interface (similar to the glossary): The IEKR will be made up of two main parts:  Public zone: consultation of documents by any external user (with search engine).  Private zone: insertion of documents in the IEKR by the partners, sending of revision requests and document approval & publication.  Classified too in: Modelling Architectures & Platforms Ontologies  Term fields: DocTitle: text Modelling: checkbox Arq&Plat: checkbox Ontology: checkbox Abstract:memo Author: text Date: date Partner: text State: (full text, abstract only) Link: hypertext SendToRev: checkbox Revised: checkbox Validated: checkbox Language: text Done by WP2 new

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Task Create a virtual Library of papers (IEKR)  Working method: WP2 will develop the Web environment supporting the IEKR. WP10 will develop a manual of the Web environment in order to avoid problems with the insertion process. INTEROP members will be the providers of papers and links. The IEKR will support documents in different languages. Finally, the revised papers (after all needed modifications done in the portal) will be checked as valid in order to be published in the Public web space. All external documents hosted or linked, must have the permission of the author. Moreover, it should have a Search Engine to locate the desired documents. Develop Web Environment M1-M6 Paper Insertion Paper Revision Paper Approval & Publication Web Environment M7-M17 M18 Develop D10.2

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan  Divided in seven formal subtasks: Task Create a virtual Library of papers (IEKR) Weight (%) In WP10 Task CREATION OF A VIRTUAL REPOSITORY OF PAPERS 9 1Develop the Web environment to support the Virtual repository 4 2Elaborate manual about the papers introduction process and Web interface 0,5 3Request quarterly the insertion of papers in the repository to all INTEROP partners 0,25 4Drive the revision process (assign and send papers to be revised by WP10 Partners) 0,75 5Revise papers 2 6Revision approval and papers validation 0,5 7Develop Deliverable "Interoperability Explicit Knowledge Repository - IEKR" 1

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Task Create a virtual Library of papers (IEKR) Task 2 Planning Task 2 Planning

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Task Creation of Tutorials (interactive courses on CD)  Duration: 36 months (M1 - M36).  Working plan: To define:  In Kick-off will be defined the e-learning platform accordingly to the global requirements of the project. Tutorials types:  Generic, Specific, Trainer, Best Practices, etc. (to be defined) Tasks:  INTEROP members will provide tutorials or courses already developed.  WP10 members will develop the contents of the required courses.  WP10 members will build the tutorials on CD. Define tutorials framework (types and topics) Gather existing tutorials or courses Check tutorials to be developed Develop contents Build tutorials on CD Done by WP2

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan  Divided in seven formal subtasks: Task Creation of Tutorials (interactive courses on CD) Weight (%) In WP10 Task CREATION OF TUTORIALS (INTERACTIVE COURSES ON CD) 21 1Define types of tutorials (generic, specific, trainer, etc.) and structure 0,5 2 Decide the tutorials to be developed. Topics and main contents (proposals by WP10 members) 1 3 Drive the gathering process of existing tutorials and courses on interoperability (EM, A&P, ONTO) within INTEROP members 1 4Select suitable courses 1 5Check the tutorials with contents to be developed 0,5 6Develop contents of new tutorials 9 7Build tutorials based on the information gathered and developed 8

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Task Creation of Tutorials (interactive courses on CD) Task 3 Planning Task 3 Planning

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Task Creation of web courses about interoperability  This task can be done jointly with Task  Duration: 36 months (M1 - M36).  Working plan: The same that Task Web courses types:  Generic, Specific, Trainer, Best Practices, etc. (to be defined) Tasks:  INTEROP members will provide courses already developed.  WP10 members will develop the contents of the required courses.  WP10 members will build the Web courses on the e-learning Platform. Define Web courses framework (types and topics) Gather existing tutorials or courses Check web courses to be developed Develop contents Build Web courses on e-learning platform

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan  Divided in seven formal subtasks: Task Creation of web courses about interoperability Weight (%) In WP10 Task CREATION OF WEB COURSES ABOUT INTEROPERABILITY 19 1Define types of web courses (generic, specific, trainer, etc.) and structure 0,5 2 Decide the web courses to be developed. Topics and main contents (proposals by WP10 members) 1 3 Drive the gathering process of existing tutorials and courses on interoperability (EM, A&P, ONTO) within INTEROP members 1 4Select suitable courses 1 5Check the web courses with contents to be developed 0,5 6Develop contents of new web courses 9 7Build web courses based on the information gathered and developed 6

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Task Creation of web courses about interoperability Task 4 Planning Task 4 Planning

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Task 10.5 & Task Coordination of the creation of a European Master and European Phd on Interoperability  Working plan: Duration: 36 months (M1 - M36).  M24 Creation of a European Master on Interoperability Program basis:  The participant Universities in the Master and PhD program will be only from within INTEROP Project. European Master and PhD contents production:  Those tasks will search the maximum synergy with Task 10.4 (development of Web Courses).  All the INTEROP Universities and Research Institutions interested should provide subjects and contents.  Each WP10 participant should coordinate the production of contents of some parts of the courses. Participant Un. Structure Kernel subjects

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan  Task 10.5 divided in seven formal subtasks: Task 10.5 & Task Coordination of the creation of a European Master and European Phd on Interoperability Weight (%) In WP10 Task COORDINATION OF THE CREATION OF A EUROPEAN MASTER 21 1Analyze existing experiences on European Masters0,75 2Methodology and strategic framework for Master Program and e-learning1,5 3 Search universities and research institutions interested in the development and teaching of the Master within INTEROP members 0,5 4Collect proposals of contents of the Master1 5Define subjects of the Master and responsibles2,5 6 Develop contents for each subject of the Master (theoretical and practical contents) 8 7Put contents in the INTEROP e-learning environment3 8 Develop a teaching plan to be carried out in the next years (included presence and virtual dedication and locations) 2 9Develop a university professor's mobility plan for the Master1 10Analyze legal aspects on European Masters0,75 new

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Task 10.5 & Task Coordination of the creation of a European Master and European Phd on Interoperability Task 5 Planning Task 5 Planning new

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan  Task 10.6 divided in seven formal subtasks: Task 10.5 & Task Coordination of the creation of a European Master and European Phd on Interoperability Weight (%) In WP10 Task COORDINATION OF THE CREATION OF A EUROPEAN PhD PROGRAM 21 1Analyze existing experiences on European PhDs0,75 2Methodology and strategic framework for PhD Program and e-learning1,5 3 Search universities and research institutions interested in the development and teaching of the PhD Program within INTEROP members 0,5 4Collect proposals of contents of the PhD Program1 5Define subjects of the PhD Program and responsibles2,5 6 Develop contents for each subject of the PhD Program (theoretical and practical contents) 8 7Put contents in the INTEROP e-learning environment3 8 Develop a teaching plan to be carried out in the next years (included presence and virtual dedication and locations) 2 9Develop a university professor's mobility plan for the PhD Program1 10Analyze legal aspects on European PhDs0,75 new

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Task 10.5 & Task Coordination of the creation of a European Master and European Phd on Interoperability Task 6 Planning Task 6 Planning new

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Task Assignment

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Workpackage Monitoring  UPV will make the “Macro-Monitoring” of the Workpackage based on dates.  Each member with assigned supervising tasks, will be responsible of the monitoring of the development of those tasks by other partners.

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Connection with other WPs WP10 Roadmap for researchers mobility WP3 WP3 WP12 WP12 Services Ontology based integration WP8 WP8 Repository Tutorials Web courses Glossary Master&PhD WP9 WP9 Architectures WP7 WP7 Generation of customized Enterprise Software WP6 WP6 Design principles for interoperability WP5 WP5 Common Enterprise Modelling Framework K Map WP1 WP1 Technical support WP2 WP2 Dissemination & Communication WP11 WP11

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Connection with other WPs AIDIMA CNR-IASI EC-LILLE FUB GRAISOFT DFKI KTH SINTEF UNITILB UPV UHP-CRAN UNIROMA UNIGE WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 WP6 WP7 WP8 WP9 WP10 WP11 WP12 WP Input Contact Point WP Member Assignment Criteria: 1.To be WPi Leader 2.Effort in WPi Assignment Criteria: 1.To be WPi Leader 2.Effort in WPi WP Output Contact Point “Contact Point” means an interlocutor of any WP10 participant with the WPi. It will be the responsible to notify to the “WP10 Task responsibles” the appearance of some relation between the Wpi and WP10. A “Contact Point” is not a document provider new new

INTEROP - WP10Kick-Off Bordeaux: Jan Next Meetings  2 WP10 meetings between now and next General Assembly (Nov 2004) Dates: May 2004, Sept 2004 Location: tbd Should be linked with other WPs meetings