Implementation Instruments for FP6 Thematic Priorities Joseph Prieur - Aeronautics DG Research- Space &Transport
Bordeaux - FP6 Instruments -J.Prieur -Jan FP6-A wider range of differentiated instruments è New Instruments l Integrated projects (IP) l Networks of Excellence (NoE) l Article 169 è Traditional Instruments l Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP) l Coordination Actions (CA) l Specific Support Actions (SSA)
Bordeaux - FP6 Instruments -J.Prieur -Jan Guiding Principles for Instruments è Simplification and streamlining è Increased legal and financial security è Flexibility and adaptability è Increased management autonomy è Preserving public accountability and Community interests
Bordeaux - FP6 Instruments -J.Prieur -Jan Instruments to be used in priority è Instruments will be identified in the call è IPs and NoE as priority means where appropriate è Traditional instruments are maintained è Independent evaluation of the use of all instruments to be made in 2004 è Possible adjustment of relative weightings as a result of above evaluation
Bordeaux - FP6 Instruments -J.Prieur -Jan Integrated Project (1/3) è Objectives l generate new knowledge l achieve ambitious clear scientific & technological objectives è Activities covering full research spectrum l objective-driven research l technological development, innovation and demonstration, as appropriate l effective knowledge management and exploitation, as appropriate l training, as appropriate l coherent management framework
Bordeaux - FP6 Instruments -J.Prieur -Jan Integrated Project (2/3) è Critical mass l resources in line with ambitions l up to several tens of million euro l at least 3 partners, in practice significantly more l typically 3 to 5 years, possibly longer è Financial regime l Community support as a “grant to the budget” l no predefined cost categories l annual payments, based on summary cost statements for each partner, certified by an external auditor, and a management-level cost justification
Bordeaux - FP6 Instruments -J.Prieur -Jan Integrated Project (3/3) è Flexibility and management autonomy l detailed 18 month implementation plan rolling forward annually l distribution of Community contribution not specified l possible partnership modification è Maximum rate of Community support l 50% for research l 35% for demonstration l 100% for management and training management supported up to maximum of 7% of Community support
Bordeaux - FP6 Instruments -J.Prieur -Jan Network of Excellence (1/3) è Objectives l strengthen excellence on a research topic by tackling fragmentation of european research l achieve durable structuring and integration è Joint Programme of Activities (JPA) l integrating activities (joint planning, sharing tools and facilities, staff mobility, communication) l jointly executed research (new research tools, new knowledge) l spreading excellence (training, networking, result dissemination and knowledge transfer)
Bordeaux - FP6 Instruments -J.Prieur -Jan Network of Excellence (2/3) è Critical mass l expertise in line with ambitions and goals l 3 partners minimum, in practice more than 6 l typically 5 years, possibly up to 7 years è Financial regime l Support as a fixed “grant for integration” taking into account degree of integration, number of researchers and JPA l typical annual average grant: Euro per researcher per year l grant annual disbursement based on integration progress
Bordeaux - FP6 Instruments -J.Prieur -Jan Network of Excellence (3/3) è Flexibility and management autonomy l detailed 18 month JPA rolling forward annually l allocation of Community grant left to partnership l possible partnership modification è High level of institutional commitment l “governing board” l...“scientific council”
Bordeaux - FP6 Instruments -J.Prieur -Jan Article 169 è art.169 enables Community to participate in joint programmes of Member States è IPs and NoE integrate individual performers, art.169 integrate national programmes è art.169 require a co-initiative by MS and Commission and a proposal from the Commission è art.169 adopted by co-decision between EP and Council (same procedure as FP itself)
Bordeaux - FP6 Instruments -J.Prieur -Jan STREP(1/2) Specific Targeted Research Projects è An elaborated form of FP5 CT Projects è To be sharply focussed è To take one or both of the following forms l RTD project to gain new knowledge in order to develop or improve new products, processes or services l Demonstration project to prove viability of new technologies è Duration 2 to 3 years, possibly more if justified è Up to several million euro
Bordeaux - FP6 Instruments -J.Prieur -Jan STREP(2/2) Specific Targeted Research Projects è Partnership l minimum of 3 participants l SME participation strongly encouraged è Community support as a “grant to the budget” (contribution to actual costs) l 50% for RTD and innovation related activities l 35% for demonstration l 100% for management (up to 7% of Community contribution) l eligible costs: same as for IPs
Bordeaux - FP6 Instruments -J.Prieur -Jan CA Co-ordination Action è reinforced form of concerted actions and thematic networks of FP5 è intended to promote & support networking and co-ordination of research and innovation in order to improve integration è covering definition, organisation and management of joint initiatives, conferences, meetings, personnel exchange, information systems, dissemination of “good practices” è Community support as “grant to the budget” up to 100%
Bordeaux - FP6 Instruments -J.Prieur -Jan SSA Specific Support Action è essentially a continuation of FP5 accompanying measures è intended to support FP6 implementation and prepare for future Community research policy activities, e.g. l support of priority thematic areas (conferences, seminars, studies,awards, competitions,expert groups, communication,…) l assistance for participation of special entities in activities of the thematic priorities areas è Community support as “grant to the budget” up to 100%
Bordeaux - FP6 Instruments -J.Prieur -Jan Financial Scheme in F.P.6
Bordeaux - FP6 Instruments -J.Prieur -Jan Instruments Classification