P. 01 French National Center for Scientific Research ASEPS Kick-off meeting Etienne Augé July 24th 2009
P. 02 Networked Society Sustainable development for Man Origin and mastership of Matter, Nanosciences, nanotechnologies Nine Institutes and Three poles
P Researchers Engineers, Technicians, Administrative 7600 doctorants, post-docs, associates,… 1200 laboratories, most common with Universities IN2P3INSUINPINST2IINSMIINCINSBINSHS Nuclear Particle Astroparticles Universe Physics Computing Engineer ChemistryBiology Life Sc. Humanities Researchers (permanent CNRS positions): Engineers, technicians, administration: CNRS annual Budget: 3,28 B€ (bulk of it is for salaries) Organization of CNRS INEE Mathematics Ecology Environment
P. 04 IN2P3 504 CNRS researchers 382 Professors and assist prof. Engineers, tech, admin –1398 CNRS staff –200 Universities staff 700 non permanent positions –Including 400 doctorants 20 laboratories including –Computer Center (CCIN2P3) in Lyon –GANIL in Caen –Underground Laboratory in Modane –Strong association with CEA- IRFU Yearly budget : 170 M Euros INP 1298 CNRS researchers 1626 Professors and assist prof. 199 researchers (other) Engineers, tech, admin – 1085 CNRS staff – 412 Universities staff – 123 staff (other) non permanent positions – 1310 doctorants – 277 post-docs 95 laboratories Yearly budget : 157 M Euros
P. 05 IN2P3 Research Program (1/3) Experimental particle physics Experiments using the –Quantum structure of the vacuum / Higgs boson –Beyond Standard Model discoveries D0 at Fermilab (near Chicago) BABAR at SLAC (Stanford) –Super B factory project Experiments at JLAB –Structure of the proton T2K in Japan –Neutrino oscillations OPERA (Gran Sasso) Double Chooz NEMO (Modane) EDELWEISS (Modane) –search for WIMPs Computing : GRID (LCG)
P. 06 Length : 40 m Radius : 10 m Weight : 7000 tons Electronic channels : institutes, 37 countries ATLASATLAS
P. 07 CERN 6500 users from institutes (+2500 from CERN)
P. 08 R&D Instrumentation –Integrated, fast, low noise electronics –Large number of channels –Low radioactivity detectors –Photon sensors also for medical imaging Accelerators –Energy frontier (LC) XFEL Nano-beams –For medical/industrial applications Oncology Compact X-ray sources
P. 09 HESSAUGER VIRGOANTARES IN2P3 Research Program (2/3) Astroparticle physics
P. 010 In the near future Cosmic rays and cosmology in space FERMI, 2008 AMS 2010PLANCK, 2009 SNAP/JDEM 2015 SNIFS, SNLS High energy gamma rays, antimatter, CMB, Dark Energy LISA 2015 IN2P3 : The two infinities
P. 011 Some key facts: New limits of stability (37Ne) Discovery of 48Ni 2p radioactivity New deformations, New magicity Nuclear molecules New detectors (EXOGAM, VAMOS) R&D for SPIRAL2: ALTO (agreementDUBNA-IPNO) R&D future detectors: AGATA - Origin of nuclear binding - Limits of nuclear stability - Heavy and super-heavy elements - Formation of elements in the universe (nucléosynthesis) SPIRAL CAEN Structure and the dynamics of nuclei. Nature of the nucleonic matter KEEP THE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVITY OF GANIL SPIRAL2 project SPIRAL2 project experiments with SPIRAL I SPIRAL II, a priority stated by NuPECC 118M€ (full cost) - cofinanced by Region (33%) SPIRAL II, a priority stated by NuPECC 118M€ (full cost) - cofinanced by Region (33%) Into operation: Into operation: Complementarity with GSI/FAIR - Future with EURISOL… IN2P3 Research Program (3/3) Nuclear physics
P. 012 Pluridisciplinary Program PACE Back-end of electronuclear cycle IN2P3 focused on transmutation of nuclear wastes and innovative systems for the future of nuclear Energy - Experimental validation of Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS) R&D European programs (MEGAPIE, n-TOF, MUSE, PDS-XADS, EUROTRANS) - High intensity accelerator developments (IPHI) Innovative systems for Nuclear Energy based on the Th cycle Scenarios, focused on the concept of a molten salt reactor
P. 013 INP Research Program (1/3) From the most fundamental to applied research From the heart of the discipline to interfaces –Chemistry, Biology, Engineering Science Fundamental quantum physics –And potential applications –e.g. research on cold atoms Theoretical physics (in relation with IN2P3) All kinds of lasers, (nano)photonics –ultra stable, short, intense Plasmas (also in Science and Technology for Engineering Institute)
P. 014 INP Research Program (2/3) Soft matter, complex fluids, biophysics Properties of condensed matter –Magnetism –Supraconductivity (High Tc) –Material science for energy (Photovoltaic, H 2 storage…) –Graphene and nanotubes based fast electronics Nanosciences –THz components –Spintronic –Biophysics
P. 015 INP Research Program (3/3) Very large research infrastructures –Synchrotron light (SOLEIL, ESRF, XFEL) –Neutron sources (LLB, ILL) –High magnetic fields (LNCMI) –Intense lasers (PETAL, LULI/ILE/ELI) Networks –Technology centers –Electron microscopy –Irradiation of materials Detector R&D –e.g. pixel detectors
P. 016 International Relations IN2P3 Light structure with –Japan travels, –China common –Korea projects Bilateral with many European Country Member of –CERN –APEC –NUPEC With CEA-IRFU INP Thematic International networks with – Japan, Korea, India, Singapore,China – USA, Canada, Argentina, Brasil, – Russia and European countries With CEA DSM – Member of International large scale facilities : ESRF, ILL – European networks of national facilities (Synch. Rad, neutrons, lasers,high mag. Fields, Microscopes Bilateral conventions (travels, common projects)