Personal Financial Management in a Transition 9. Resources for Fixing Money Problems Military Relief Societies (now, before you go – and – Retirees) Money calculators and education from Utah State Extension Other sources of assistance Now may be a good time to pick up positive habits, and make adjustments and corrections while you have time and focus on your transition
2 www. aerhq. org (309) Red Cross Call Center Navy / Marine Corps Relief Air Force Aid Society Relief Societies Prevent privation for a short term: food; rent or mortgage; utilities; essential POV payment, gas, insurance; non-receipt of pay; emergency travel; emergency medical; fire & theft. Title 10 Active Duty Soldier with concurrence of Commander or 1SG Spouse with POA; or sponsor’s permission
Getting a handle on Money Past
A. Enter the creditor information into the matrix: Creditor; Balance Owed; Monthly Payment; APR B. PowerPay will automatically compare options and provide a “pay-off calendar” for that method E. Without PowerPayments: treat creditors individually = 10 Years & 8 Months D. With PowerPayments: treat creditors as a group = 3 Years & 10 Months F. Savings in Time & Money C. $661.96/month to the group Page E
“Highest Interest First” Method = 3 Yrs 10 Mos “Shortest Term First” Method = 4 Yrs PowerPay! Pay your Creditors as a group! The Career Family is already paying $661.96/mo to their creditors; what method would you pick and why? Page F
index.html _consumers/index.html Your local base Staff Judge Advocate and Family Service Center