European Job Days Torino, October NAV EURES Norway Living and Working in Norway
NAV, Side 2 Norway - ”way to the North”
NAV, Side 3 Norway - Facts Statistics: Length 1750 km 7th largest in Europe 4,8 mill. inhabitants 19 Counties Largest cities: Oslo ( ) Bergen ( ) Trondheim ( ) Stavanger ( )
NAV, Side 4 Language Most Norwegians speak English ….. But most employers require that you speak Norwegian, or a Scandinavian language Ask your local Eures Adviser about language courses in your country The Norwegian authorities do not offer EU/EEA citizens language courses free of charge
NAV, Side 5 Labour Market I Numbers from August 2010: – Unemployment: ,9% – Vacancies:
NAV, Side 6 Labour Market II Shortages: – Mechanical (skilled workers) – Engineers – IT specialists – Health sector (doctors, nurses, assisting nurses and specialised nurses) – Hotel and tourism (Seasonal - chefs and waiters) – Sales staff On longer term: – Employees for production of renewable energy
NAV, Side 7 Offshore Industry Large competition for jobs Highly skilled personnel with long experience only Shortages: Petroleum engineers Recruits from Mechanical Industry
NAV, Side 8 IT Large activity in the late 90s 2002/2003: bankruptcy and dismissals 2006: Increasing demand Large demand for highly skilled personnel
NAV, Side 9 Health Dentists: Public Sector Doctors: Specialists Doctors: Rural areas Nurses: Specialised education Assisting nurses Unskilled: No demand
NAV, Side 10 Hotel and Tourism Chefs Waiters Bartenders Good language skills Seasonal work Largest demand in Oslo, Akershus, Buskerud, Telemark, Oppland
NAV, Side 11 Jobseeking I Make a Curriculum Vitae (CV) in English: – Personal info (name, address, phone, etc.) – Education (describe shortly) – Work Experience (describe shortly) – Short courses – Language skills – Interests – References (former employer + phone numbers)
NAV, Side 12 Jobseeking II Find jobs at: – – (Choose english) Call for jobs at: NAV Service Centre Phone - Phone: Opening hours: Monday – Friday 08:00 – 18:00 Contact the EURES Adviser in your area
NAV, Side 13 Jobseeking III Yellow pages - (English version) Companies’ web sites Use Google, Yahoo etc. Contact employers directly Use your personal network 60/70% of the jobs are NOT advertised
NAV, Side 14 Useful web sites Recognition of qualifications (vocational and higher education) (authorization of health personnel)
NAV, Side 15 Useful web sites Official pages: (Work and residence permits) (taxation) (Customs)
NAV, Side 16 Good ideas Learn Norwegian Find out what kind of jobs you are qualified for Send CV and application letter Use websites for information
NAV, Side 17 Questions?
NAV, Side 18 NAV EURES Norway Thank you! Good luck!