Multivariate Regression and Data Collection 11/21/2013
Readings Chapter 8 (pp ) Chapter 9 Dummy Variables and Interaction Effects (Pollock Workbook)
Office Hours For the Week When – Friday 7:00AM-3:00PM – Monday 7:00AM-1:00 PM – Tuesday 8-12 – And by appointment
Course Learning Objectives 1.Students will be able to interpret and explain empirical data. 2.Students will achieve competency in conducting statistical data analysis using the SPSS software program. 3. Third, students will learn the basics of polling and be able to analyze and explain polling and survey data.
What we can do with it Test the significance, strength and direction of more than one independent variable on the dependent variable, while controlling for the other independent variables. We can compare the strength of each independent variable against each other We can examine an entire model at one time!
This allows us to model additive relationships
Regression Outputs These have 3 parts 1.The Model Summary 2.ANOVA 3.The Variables/Model
With So Many, How do we know? There are many R's out there: – lower case "r" for correlation – upper case "R" for regression
What the R’s look like The R Square Adj R-Square, the preferred measure
What The F-Score tells us It is like a chi-square for Regression. The F-score tells us if we have a significant regression model If the F-Score is not significant, we accept the null hypothesis (no relationship). It usually tells us at least one of our variables is significant. It is a way of examining the entire regression.
The F-Score We look at the Sig value and use the p<.05 measurement In the model above, our p value is.001 – We Reject the null hypothesis – At least one variable is significant
The Model What it tells us – Variable relationships and direction – Variable significance – Variable Strength
Old Friends Beta Values Measure the change in the dependent variable Show the direction of the relationship T-Tests Test the significance of each independent variable on the dependent variable Accept or reject the null for that variable
Standardized Beta Coefficients They show us the variables which have the greatest influence. These are measured in absolute value The larger the standardized beta, the more influence it has on the dependent variable.
Looking at our Model Beta Values T-Score- Significance
Another One D.V. Palin_therm-post (Feeling thermometer for Palin 0-100) IV's – enviro_jobs (Environment vs. jobs tradeoff) 0=envir, 1=middle, 2=jobs – educ_r- education in years – Gunown- do you own a gun (1=yes, 5=no) – relig_bible_word (Is Bible actual word of God?) 1=yes, 0=No
Another one from the states Gay Rights involves many concepts. The Lax-Phillips index uses content validity to address this issue at the state level. It examines the support for the following issues – Adoption – Hate Crimes legislation – Health Benefits – Housing Discrimination – Job Discrimination – Marriage Laws – Sodomy Laws – Civil Unions – It then averages these to get a statewide level
State Example Dependent Variable- gay_support (higher is more supportive on Lax- Phillips) Independent Variables – relig_import (% of people in state that say religion provides a great deal of guidance) – south (1=south, 0= NonSouth – abortlaw (restrictions on abortion)
Tautology it is tempting to use independent variables that are actually components of the dependent variable. How you will notice this: – if the dependent variables seem to be measures of each other (human development vs. education) they probably are, (female literacy and literacy rate) – High Adj. R-Squares (above.900)
Multicollinearity Your independent variables should not only be independent of the d.v. (non tautological) but they should be independent of each other! Picking independent variables that are very closely related, or are actually part of the same measure What can happen here is these variables will negate the influence of each other on the dependent variable.
Symptoms of Multicollinearity the multiple regression equation is statistically significant (big R values, even a significant ANOVA), but none of the t-ratios are statistically significant the addition of the collinear independent variable radically changes the values of the standardized beta coefficients (they go from positive to negative, or weak to strong), without a corresponding change in the ADJ R-square. Variables, that you would swear on a stack of bibles should be related, are not
Solving Tautology and Multicolinearity Solving tautology- Drop the independent variable What to do About Multicollinearity – run bivariate correlations on each of your variables. If the r-square value is >.60. – You will want to drop one of the variables, or combine them into a single measure.
Data collection
Collecting Primary Data Document Analysis Direct Observation Interview Data
Document Analysis (The Written Record) What is it When to use it
Types of Document Analysis The Episodic Record The Running Record
Limitations and Advantages
Observation What is it Types of Observation
Problems of Observation Reactivity Ethics
Which Method to use?
What it Should Contain Bring the reader up to speed on the status of the research (what has been done) Establish face validity (why I am using these variables) Point out potential problems with previous research
What it should Contain what are the main texts in this area what are the general theories in this area how has the question been measured in the past
Question Style Open Ended (advantages & disadvantages) Closed Ended (advantages & disadvantages)
Demographic Questions Who are you? These tend to be overrated Don’t get too personal!
Behavior Questions What do you do, and how often? Knowing behavior is a good dependent and independent variable
Opinion and Attitude Questions What do you think? Easy to Answer
Knowledge/Factual Questions Use sparingly
Question Order is Key Intro and Filter First Questions Major Questions Final Questions- demographics
How you should Phrase Questions Language (be clear) One question 1 concept
Information Level