Learning and information processing Applying Psychology to Teaching
Introduction: Before you can teach them, you have to reach them “Start where people are before you take them where you want them to be” (Anon)
Universitas magistrorum et scholarium
Motivation It is nearly impossible to motivate someone else, unless you can tap into motivation that already exists.
Motivation All humans can be motivated Boredom which you want to overcome Anger because needs have not been met Frustration because you can’t get ahead Fear of the future A desire for achievement A need to excel Love for challenges You must understand your students’ motivations Good students: Desire to be attentive and “please” the lecturer Disorientated, confused and anxious students who want to be seen as competent and want to fit in Unsuccessful students who have dropped out mentally Blasé students who want to create the impression that they are bored Motivation is not a paint job Reach the students Find their major motivations Tap into those and use them as core components of the lesson No one motivates everyone all the time Teach with the clear intention of inspiring each and every student and then accept that some were inspired and others not The trick is going to be whether or not you learn to connect yourself, your words and your ideas to their need, their background and experiences and their ways of seeing the world
Motivation Motivation is important to learning, and feeling valued as a human being is a powerful motivator Create a safe environment, i.e.: – Structure – Predictability – Sense of control
Creating a respectful and learning environment Is my curriculum relevant to my students, their interests, ambitions and cultural identity? Awareness of students’ different learning styles and adapting teaching accordingly Do books and other teaching material reflect diversity
Information processing
Two types of learning tactics, i.e.: – Memory-directed tactics: Accurate storage and retrieval of information – Comprehension-directed tactics: Aid in understanding the meaning of ideas and their interrelationships