Skills Taught Dinosaur facts Vocabulary definitions Following directions Microsoft Word Names and pictures of dinosaurs
Day 1 Dinosaurs lived so long ago that no human being has ever seen a real one. Many theories exist of how the dinosaurs lived, what they did and what happened to them. Scientists who study dinosaurs are called paleontologists and some theories that paleontologists have had about dinosaurs have been proven wrong.
Dinosaur Facts: Fossils include dinosaur bones, dinosaur footprints, dinosaur teeth, and even dinosaur eggs. Distribute copies of the “What Remains?” handout to the students. Remind students that skeletons are the only remains we actually have of dinosaurs.What Remains? Figure out which parts of the drawing the artist would have had to make up.
Day 2 Students receive copies of the “Dinosaur Footprints” handout.Dinosaur Footprints Paleontologists can use footprints to learn about what dinosaurs looked like and how they behaved. The handout contains two sets of footprints from two different dinosaurs. Students choose partners and work together to write sentences about what each set of footprints reveals about each dinosaur, as well as sentences about how the two dinosaurs are different from each other. The students’ sentences are read aloud and discussed.
Day 3 Students receive copies of the “What Happened Here?” handout.What Happened Here? Look at the picture and try to decide what might have happened to the dinosaurs whose footprints they are examining. Students write what they think happened and support their ideas with evidence from the picture. Students will have roughly 10 minutes to decide what happened and write out a few sentences. Students read sentences aloud and discuss the different scenarios presented. Students vote on the most likely scenarios.
Day 4 Students will use Microsoft Word to write a one page essay explaining what they have learned about dinosaurs. Students will include five of the new vocabulary words. Students must write in complete sentences including an introduction, 3 paragraph body and a conclusion.
Vocabulary Paleontologist Fossil Carnivore Herbivore Omnivore Scientist Extinct Skeleton Tyrannosaurus Rex Triceratops Pterodactyl Brontosaurus Ankylosaurus Iguanodon Stegosaurus Predator
Day 5 Students are to complete the word search and crossword puzzle. Students will have free time searching the given websites and playing games.
Approved Websites ng-long-ago.htmlhttp:// ng-long-ago.html osaurshttp://enchantedlearning.com/subjects/din osaurs ex.htmlhttp:// ex.html
References Billybear4kids.com, 2006 retrieved from Discovery.com, 2006 retrieved from Enchanted Learning, 2006, retrieved from Kidsdomain.com, 2006 retrieved from PBS, 2006 retrieved from Thinkquest, 2006 retrieved from