Mister Bones Day 1
Long o bone hope goat grow soap low float show flow
Words to Read mow loaf coal growth toast know groan pillow
Word Reading – Long o own stove storm moan coax coach crow robe flow soak blown horn yellow those short
WB page 83
Oral Vocabulary Did You Ever See a Dinosaur? Did you ever see a dinosaur? No, I don’t think so. But we can see their fossils. They formed long ago. So isn’t it great That we can excavate? Old bones are in the soil. Did way down below.
Phonics Reader
Mister Bones Day 2
Three – letter Blends cr eam scr eam shr ink spr ay str ip thr ee spl ash
Word Work shr i m p scr a pe spr i n g str e t ch thr oa t shr u g
Word Reading Three – letter Blends scrap trick plant strong squirt string throw spin trust stream sprain thrill shrub screen strict
WB page
Oral Vocabulary Did You Ever See a Dinosaur? Did you ever see a dinosaur? No, I don’t think so. But we can see their fossils. They formed long ago. So isn’t it great That we can excavate? Old bones are in the soil. Did way down below.
Phonics Reader
Mister Bones Day 3
Long o: oa, ow and Blends road lowscrap soapelbowscrub streetsplashspring throatcrow
Sort Words threethrow boastburst splotchslow roaststreet thrillthroat grownspray
Vocabulary gigantic Montana bandannas cowboy lizard tyrant museum
Mister Bones Day 4
Word Reading draw know over Jean Buddy tried show sign these colors easy Teddy right great leaves beach good-bye seal drew prettier
Read Words in Context Did Buddy know it wasn’t easy for Jean to say good-bye? Come right over to see a great show on the beach. The colors of these leaves are prettier than those. Teddy tried to draw a seal on the sign, but he just drew lines.
Long o: oa, ow and Blends The coach will show us where to hit the ball. Our street has a row of spruce trees. In the spring, we can float our yellow boat. Use string and scraps of paper to make art.