Upgrading a legacy taxonomy system OR Resuscitating a Dinosaur Robert G. Harp & Heidi Snead (For review purposes only. Permission to copy, publish or present all or any part of this material is specifically reserved to the authors and to no others.)
ECLKC, managed by Head Start Knowledge and Information Management Systems, is the central repository for Head Start resources. These resources underwent a large scale restructuring and overhaul in 2007 – Content was broken down into revised and often new categories. ◦ Organization: Domain, Topic, Subject, Item, Sub Item, Focus…
Content is assigned several pieces of metadata based on its location, purpose, language, status etc. The creation, editing and removal of metadata is fundamental to robust and accurate search processes. Focus: Subject level Taxonomy
Domain Topic Subject Revised Content Organization
Content restructuring created hundreds of instances of defunct metadata: topics became subjects, domains became topics…etc Previous metadata assigned based on folder structure Outdated metadata resulted in difficult and often impossible searching ◦ Impaired keyword searches, site navigation No workflow in place for updating since 12/06 Attempts to set a taxonomy workflow process failed due to over-complication and staff bewilderment.
Resources left after said attempt: 1.Master Taxonomy 2 years to develop, complex, opaque, intimidating. 2.Implemented Taxonomy (Existing. Outdated & Useless) 3.Operational Taxonomy Reflected current content structure
With the given resources and background, what would you do?
Options: Keep the old, legacy taxonomy Not intuitive & poorly understood. Make changes to legacy taxonomy Lacked a key to color coded system on doc Lacked access to creator of doc Author took the right steps, but got out of control What do we do now?
Creating a new foundation ◦ Dealing with technical implications ◦ Meeting with SMEs to discuss essentials. What did they need? Function over Form: What works and why? ◦ Discarded top down taxonomy ◦ Created ground up taxonomy ◦ Ultimately more user friendly and accessible
Creation of a governance structure. The Taxonomy Group ◦ Composed of interested parties from content/SMEs, technical and supervision teams ◦ Set up policy and rules for allowances in edits, new additions, metadata removal Establishment of the Workflow ◦ SMEs - Domain Manager - Taxonomy Chair - Technical Team – Testing - Ready for Prime Time
The mission of the Taxonomy Group is to ensure the development, evolution and the maintenance of the HSKIMS controlled vocabulary. It evaluates proposals for new terms and modifications to existing terms in the vocabulary through oversight of the various communities and arbitrates disputes. It provides methods for assuring clarity, usefulness and minimizing overlap with existing terms. The Taxonomy Group strives for consensus on terms and justifies its decisions and interpretations of definitions in cooperation with HSKIMS Organizations.
HSKIMS provides new metadata structure and TAX IDs for a Domain (sometimes auxiliary) Cleverex further defines into a spreadsheet readable by the content system ◦ Content in domain folder stripped of all metadata via script ◦ New metadata uploaded into Taxonomy structure ◦ Content in domain folders assigned higher level of metadata manually ◦ Metadata is populated to all content in the folder structure via script ◦ TEST
Defined workflow and open communication 10 Domains and auxiliary metadata areas (and counting) have been updated to meet the current content setup. SMES now have process of reorganizing content without negatively affecting user’s search experience
Creation of an Global Metadata application Automates technical process to allow for non-technical domain managers to add/edit/move/remove metadata Based on same structure as the current process, taking out the time consuming manual work Will save time/resources
Decentralize process Involve all stakeholders Encourage input. Reassure principals that responsibility is local, not global. Disseminate Information Simplify process. Best Practices