UF-PNPI HV system upgrade Presented by N. Bondar. CERN 3.9.2010  Part 1. HV System migration to USB interface  Part 2. HV System proposal of Stage 2.


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Presentation transcript:

UF-PNPI HV system upgrade Presented by N. Bondar. CERN  Part 1. HV System migration to USB interface  Part 2. HV System proposal of Stage 2 1

Oleg Maev, Nikolay Bondar and Mikhail Korolev 2 Migration PNPI HV-system to USB interface Back plane A-Side output connectors C-Side output connectors 5 channel interface for A-Side 5 channel interface for C-Side 2 units of USB interface assembled and ready for testing USB connectors 2

Oleg Maev, Nikolay Bondar and Mikhail Korolev 3 Migration PNPI HV-system to USB interface SW status: 1.HVServer is in progress: New features: - soft trip - automatic recovering in simple cases - log file with alarms, trips, etc. will be created by server 2. Test and Calibration SW (LAB) is under developing: - accuracy of current calibration will be improved - some bugs in voltage sensors calibration are fixed - test SW will be unified in according of our present conditions 3. Calibration in situ --- in the list of jobs to be done. 4. PVSS part – still under discussion. - the primary power supplies control has to be implemented in PVSS. 3

Current status of the HV system connection and needs 56 RDB installed on the detector. Total outputs (1 output = 4 HV channels)– 504 Used – 480 outputs Spare – 24 outputs Directly connected to chambers – 320 outputs Connected via splitter x4 – 160 = 640 outputs Total chambers connected – 960 Need to replace – =480 outputs  51 RDB Unfortunately we need to spread all RDB for 8 places So minimum number per position 7 RDB Total we need to install – 56 RDB UF-PNPI HV system. Stage 2 proposal Oleg Maev, Nikolay Bondar and Mikhail Korolev 4

 To complete HV system we need install more: - 56 RDB - 8 Master Boards (MB)  We have spare: - 10 RDB + 1RDB without regulators. - 2 Master Boards (Assume that it is enough as a 10% of 110 RDB and 16 MB)  To have ~10% of spare RDB and MB plus 10% of spare regulators we need to produce in total: - 56 RDB spare regulators - 8 MB + 16 spare regulators  We need replace LV power supply to feed more RDB UF-PNPI HV system. Stage 2 proposal Oleg Maev, Nikolay Bondar and Mikhail Korolev 5

Comments for price estimation Assume that production of the modules will be at PNP System assembly and initial test will be in PNPI Final test and installation – in CERN All prices for components are based on the previous experience, so it is not final and used for estimation. The total number of components is about the same as in the first stage, so the price should be almost the same Some money needs for shipping/receiving it is not included UF-PNPI HV system. Stage 2 proposal 6

Price estimation: N Components Price, KCHF 1Discrete Elements43.8 2Integrated Circuits19.9 3Connectors* and Cables Printed Circuit Boards 19.5 ** 5Mechanical Parts6.7 6Chemicals and Miscellaneous4.4 In Total for components Assembling, testing ~ 100 PNPI 8 Final test, calibration, installation?? in CERN * - output HV connectors already on shelf ** - Price based on the Russian production price UF-PNPI HV system. Stage 2 proposal Oleg Maev, Nikolay Bondar and Mikhail Korolev 7

Estimated production time: Procedure relative time (month) Procurement and purchase of components Printed Boards correction Mother Boards production Regulator Boards production Mother Boards stuffing Regulator Boards stuffing Mother Boards test Regulator Board test RDB assemble RDB test MB assemble MB test Packing and shipping UF-PNPI HV system. Stage 2 proposal Oleg Maev, Nikolay Bondar and Mikhail Korolev 8