Outline Project Background ITS Architecture Overview GVMC ITS Architecture Deployment Plan
Project Background Funded by MDOT Revision of current Regional ITS Architecture Includes the geographic area covered by the GVMC MPO boundary Project started June 2010, will complete April 2011
Why Develop a Regional Architecture? Deploy Integrated Systems Deploy with Regional Needs in Mind Manage Complexity Match Needs with ITS Components FHWA and FTA requirement for projects using federal funds
National ITS Architecture Processes and Data Flows Complex! 375 Processes 2500 Data Flows 91 DFD’s
Information From Emergency Mgt to Traffic Mgt Incident_Duration Incident_Location Incident_Number Incident_Severity Incident_Type
Incident Type “This data flow is used within both the Manage Traffic and Manage Emergency Services functions and defines an incident type using a three character code. This will use a standard set of character codes to uniquely define the type of incident. “
Information From Traffic Mgt to Emergency Mgt Incident_Video_For_Emergency_Services Traffic_Data_For_Emergency_Services
What Traffic Data? Link_List Link_Size Vehicle_Count Vehicle_Headway Vehicle_Occupancy Vehicle_Queue Length Vehicle_Speed
Using the Regional Architecture Supports Varying Levels of Sophistication Supports Varying Levels of Inter-Agency Integration
ITS Architecture Development Process Final Report Draft Final Report Draft Architecture Document IDAS Analysis & Deployment Plan Development System Inventory ITS Architecture Development ITS Architecture Workshop ITS Deployment Plan Workshop June 2010August 2010January 2011March 2011
GVMC Boundary
Concurrent Projects Regional ITS Architectures and Deployment Plans – Statewide; Grand Region; Southwest and Portions of University – SEMCOG; Bay Region; North Region; Superior Region; TCRPC Statewide ATMS Software STOC Implementation Other ITS Projects in GVMC area – GVMC Expansion Project – West Michigan TMC
Review of User Needs Expanded surveillance on freeways Improved coordination with media AVL technology for maintenance vehicles Improved coordination between 911 dispatch facilities Signal Priority for Transit Vehicles Better access to crash data
ITS Architecture Program Areas Traffic Management (ATMS) Emergency Management (EM) Maintenance and Construction Management (MC) Public Transportation (APTS) Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO) Traveler Information (ATIS) Archived Data Management (AD) Advanced Vehicles Safety Systems (AVSS)
Market Package Components 91 possible MP choices Identify connections between agencies Visual representation of the layout of a system that is constructed using: – Subsystem – Element – Terminator – Architecture Flow GVMC has a total of 104 Market Packages
Sample Market Package Customization
Interconnect Diagram
From User Needs to Projects Refined List of User Needs Is Developed Market Packages Are Selected To Address User Needs Projects Are Developed Based On Market Packages – Geographically defined – Technologically defined as needed Projects Feed The Deployment Plan – Evaluated for Benefit / Cost impact – Segmented to phases for the region
Draft Project List MDOT 5-year ITS Plan ITS Deployment Plan – 2006 Analysis of regional and technological gaps Stakeholder feedback
Draft Project: Arterials
Draft Project: Freeway
Preliminary Project Listing Total of 170 projects – 9 Freeway projects – 41 Arterial projects – 2 Transit projects Total of 7 Freeway Service Patrol projects covering approximately 70 miles
Deployment Plan Methodology and IDAS Results Alternatives developed based on architecture and stakeholder input GVMC Model validated and converted to ITS Deployment Analysis System (IDAS) Cost and benefit parameters based on those used in previous MDOT Predeployment studies – Combination of local and national data Model run to estimate benefits and costs for 2010 and 2020 Benefits and costs are annualized
Final Steps Addressing Feedback from Deployment Plan Workshop Refining Analysis Results from IDAS Packaging Projects for Deployment Plan Review by Stakeholders Submit Final Regional ITS Architecture and Deployment Plan