ME Vocab 1
Desalination Process of removing salt and other chemicals from sea water.
Water Pollution Contamination of water supplies due to chemicals, fertilizer, sewage, and other garbage
Irrigation Process of bringing water to dry land
Jordan River Key source of water for Israel, Lebanon, and Syria. It flows into the Dead Sea.
Tigris River Starts in the mountains of Turkey and flows through Iraq into the Persian Gulf. Runs parallel with the Euphrates River
Euphrates River Flows into the Persian Gulf. Turkey, Syria, and Iraq compete for its water.
Nile River World’s longest river that flows northward out of the mountains of central Africa into the Mediterranean Sea
Persian Gulf One of the main shipping routes for oil to be shipped out from the rich fields of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iran, other countries that line the shores
Strait of Hormuz Narrow waterway between the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf that is a very important shipping channel for oil
Suez Canal Connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. “Crossroads” of European, African, and Asian trade.
Dead Sea Lowest point on Earth (above sea level) and about 10 times saltier than any ocean
Uneven Distribution Not equal division of resources (example: The Middle East has a lot of oil, but not much water.)
Desert A region of the world that is hot all year with very little rain. Made up of sand or bare soil and has very few plants.
Aquifer An underground layer of rock and sand that contains water
Ground Water Water below the surface that supplies wells and springs
Fertile Capable of growth or development. This type of soil is wanted when growing crops.
Population A group of people that take up residence in a country, city, county, etc.