Microinsurance Policy Perspective, Trends and key issues Presentation to SECP and Insurance Sector Seminar 29 November 2011
Policy Perspective
Microfinance (Credit, Deposit, Insurance and Remittances) Transitory Vulnerable Transitory Poor Chronic Poor Extremely Poor Non-Poor Transitory Non-Poor From a pyramid
To a Diamond HNWI Poor Middle Class
What to do is, by and large known and simple HEALTH CARE EDUCATION MICRO FINANCE HOUSING BASIC SERVICES Access To Poverty SIGNIFICANT REDUCTION Responding to poverty: The arsenal
*Source: : Relationship between Financial Exclusion and poverty exists…
There is a moderate to strong relationship between GDP per capita and usage of financial services
Bank Loan per 1,000 adults
Deposit Accounts per 1,000 Individuals
Bank Branches per 1,000 Adults
Bangladesh 2.5 India 19.7 Thailand 92.1 USA 3,790.2 Brazil UK 4,484.4 Pakistan 4.0 Indonesia 15.8 Kenya 11.1 Sri Lanka 14.2 Malaysia 25.7 Argentina Insurance density in USD$ Insurance Density: Gross Premium per capita
Industry Trends
Trends in credit, Deposits and insurance
Trends in Insurance
MFPs & Insurance Co. Awareness & Low literacy High Premium High Transportation Cost (Rural) Product viability Culture (Low demand for voluntary insurance distrust Diseases high Consumer protection Client Transparency Cashless vs. cash based Settlement of claims (time required) Competition (product pricing) Volumes required (low cost) Existing products not meet the need Product diversification Marketing difficult then Credit/Savings Push Vs. Pull Late reimbursement of claims Regulation Lack of understanding of microinsurance Lack of appropriate information Legal framework not supportive MFPs agents or brokers Product diversification Issues/Challenges
Role of PMN Advocacy for a separate regulation for MFPs Awareness Raising Campaign Promote consumer protection Provide up- to-date information to stakeholders