LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 From Decentralization To Poverty Reduction & MDGs a few ideas for discussion 8th JPO Workshop – 23 to 27 January 2006 Decentralized Governance and Development Dakar, Senegal Presentation by Luigi N. Tessiore, Decentralization & Local Governance Policy Advisor Western & Central African Sub-Regional Resource Facility UNDP
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar The Paradigm of Decentralization
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar THE UNDP’S ONE GOAL Poverty Alleviation = Measurable indicators (MDGs)
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar What is “good local governance”? a definition within the frame of a theory of the state erformance An institutional system for managing public affairs characterized by 3 dimensions P Fiscal effort (allocative and operational); Delivery of economic & social services; Protection of environment and NR; Promotion of economic development; articipation P Organized and private citizen in public sector decision-making Mechanisms supplementing and enhancing the functioning of the institutional democratic representation; artnership P Between Local Authorities, CSOs and Private Sector; Provision & production of local collective goods & services;
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar What is a “local government”? olitical A sub-national institutional system for managing local public affairs with 3 different capacities P Fiscal effort (allocative and operational); Identification of Local revenues, Accountable use of local revenues, dministrative A Institutional democratic representation, Participative Public decision-making, Electoral, accountability mechanisms, Local strategies and dialogue development iscal F Planning public investments based on local priorities, Programming local development goals, Provision & production of local collective goods & services, Administration of public resources.
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar What are the duties of a “local government”? Duties = Legal attributions = Resources made available Principles? = different according to the degree of autonomy awarded by the national legislation. Practice? = different according to national legislations. What works? = decentralize competencies, decisions and resources based on comparative advantage of each level (performance)
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar Essential duties of “local government” Social Services Duties = Legal attributions = resources made available Principles: SUBSIDIARITY & PROXIMITY Support, partnership with Private Sector, NR protection, valorization, Economic and social welfare, Land management. Infrastructures Primary Education, Primary Health Care, Potable water & Sanitation, Administrative Services Public transport, road networks, Water, sewage, other public utilities, Etc. Local Development Licenses, permits, Civil registry, Certificates, ID,
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar LOCAL GOVERNANCE When we have REAL Local Governance? De-concentration VERSUS De-centralization 3 items
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar Administrative De-concentration
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar De-centralization
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar Local Horizontal accountability
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar LOCAL GOVERNANCE Why we should support LG in Post-Conflicts Recovery? 2 items
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar Local Governance approach to post conflict recovery olitical P evelopmental D reconstruction of local polities as an integral part of the process of reconstructing the State. interdependence of the local and the central in the process of reconstructing states comparative advantages of local authorities in the post-conflict efforts towards social reintegration and economic recovery at the local level. Possibility to realize allocative and operational efficiency gains in the use of scarce public sector resources
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar LOCAL GOVERNANCE Most urgent areas of support (build local government capacity) Pilot test – experimentation (before the reform) 3 items
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar What areas of support to LG NOW? 1. Local Government financing 2. Local government planning and budgeting. set up of a mechanism for fiscal transfer providing local authorities with a minimum of regular and locally programmable resources for both recovery and development spending 3. Local Government implementation. simple, participatory procedure for strategic planning, investment programming and annual budgeting, will make meaningful the reintegration of population in the local economy the resources available for local level infrastructure and services delivery should be channelled via LG in stead of continue to flow through national/sector channels and/or managed by central agencies (including specialized ones like the WB-supported Social Funds)
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar The process of local planning Budget preparation D B Elaboration and submission of PDC Data Collection on CRD A Planning Workshop Participatory Diagonisis Participatory Identification Problems, resources & projects Projrct level Management and maintenance of infrastructure Specification convention agreements Definition of financial and material contribution Comité de gestion
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar Revenues cycle
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar LOCAL GOVERNANCE Reform’ concrete immediate challenges (build local government capacity for local development and poverty alleviation) Key elements for the reform: proposed elements & issues from Mr Weh-Dorliae book 3 items
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar Political LOCAL GOVERNANCE How many LG tiers?? County/District??? Segregation of every level (NOT only County Level) Elected Legislative body Elected Governor (chief executive) What role for Traditional Chiefs (is integration possible?) Keep Judiciary centralized (peace local level) Separate County civil service from Central Civil service Accountability in county government expenditures
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar Administrative LOCAL GOVERNANCE Consolidate territorial administrative organization How many LG tiers?? County/District??? Segregation of County Level Separate County civil service
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar Fiscal & Financial LOCAL GOVERNANCE Segregation of County Level Autonomous County Budget Revenues sharing (method & criteria for revenues transfer) Allocate taxes to County Government (property, etc.) Accountability in county government expenditures (method: particiatory planning and budgeting)
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar LOCAL GOVERNANCE What we need for “good local governance for development” The specificity of local 3 items
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar Are we going towards poverty alleviation?
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar The Virtuous Circle of Local Development
LUIGI N. TESSIORE 2005 January 2006JPO Workshop Dakar Local Strategy