Using Toad for Data Analysts A prettier SQL interface
Step 1: Get to know your data Excel Workbook titled “CHSI Dataset” – Community Health Status Indicators – Downloaded from DataElementDescription = Data Dictionary DefinedDataValue = Data Code sheet Additional tables provide various health measures, often on the county level
Import Data Select all data in Workbook, save and close Navigation Manager Create new connection Group: Excel Advanced Uncheck Read-Only & Automatically create ranges Navigate to CHSI Data.xls Name: CHSI
Data Browser Double-click on table DATAELEMENTDESCRIPTION Filter Where Clause: Page_Name = ‘Demographics’
SQL Editor Click Editor Input: Select * from DATAELEMENTDESCRIPTION descr where descr.PAGE_NAME = ‘Demographics’ Don’t forget to name your table by typing in a nickname after full table name. This simplifies query writing
Join tables Let’s join Demographics to Summary Measures of Health What are common fields? – State_FIPS_Code – County_FIPS_Code select demo.CHSI_County_Name, demo.poverty, summ.ALE from DEMOGRAPHICS demo, SUMMARYMEASURESOFHEALTH summ where demo.CHSI_State_Abbr='CA' and summ.State_FIPS_Code=demo.State_FIPS_Code and summ.County_FIPS_Code=demo.County_FIPS_Code This will tell us percent living below 10 th Percentile average life expectancy per county
Grouping Data What if we want to know poverty rates and average life expectancy by state? select demo.CHSI_State_Abbr, sum(demo.poverty), avg(summ.ALE) from DEMOGRAPHICS demo, SUMMARYMEASURESOFHEALTH summ where summ.State_FIPS_Code=demo.State_FIPS_Code and summ.County_FIPS_Code=demo.County_FIPS_Code group by demo.CHSI_State_Abbr
Sorting Data Now let’s sort the states by number in poverty, highest to lowest You can simply click on output header and sort Or use the following code: select * from (select demo.CHSI_State_Abbr, sum(demo.poverty), avg(summ.ALE) from DEMOGRAPHICS demo, SUMMARYMEASURESOFHEALTH summ where summ.State_FIPS_Code=demo.State_FIPS_Code and summ.County_FIPS_Code=demo.County_FIPS_Code group by demo.CHSI_State_Abbr) order by Expr1001 asc