Demographic portrait of Hispanics in the Houston- Galveston-Brazoria Metropolitan Area Karl Eschbach University of Houston Department of Sociology
Data Sources 2000 Census Redistricting File Population Size and Distribution 1998 American Community Survey Harris and Fort Bend County Only Social and Economic Characteristics
Population Growth- 8 County Region YearAllHispanics% Hispanic 20004,670,0001,350,00029% 19903,710,000770,00021% 19803,120,000450,00014% 19702,180,000210,00010% ,00030,000 6%
Hispanic Population & Share Area Hispanics Percent Hispanic % of Growth Texas6,670,00032%60% Houston730,00037%89% Brazoria55,00023%43% Chambers3,00011%27% Fort Bend75,00021%24% Galveston45,00018%43% Harris1,120,00033%82% Liberty8,00011%27% Montgomery37,00013%21% Waller6,00019%41% Metro Area1,350,00029%61%
Components of Growth, Harris County, (Thousands)
Components of growth, 7 suburban counties, (Thousands)
Percent Hispanic: Murdock’s 1.0 Projection and Actual Metro Area Actual: 29% Harris Co. Actual: 33%
Percent Hispanic: Voting Age Adults and Children
Percent Hispanic for Harris and Fort Bend Counties, Citizen Population Only Sources: 1990 Census & 1998 American Community Survey
Percent of Hispanics who are Foreign Born—Harris and Fort Bend Counties Sources: 1990 Census & 1998 American Community Survey
Changes in Hispanic Population,
Changes in Anglo Population,
Black Population Change,
Asian Population Change, 2000
Index of Dissimilarity Percent of persons who would have to move to create perfect integration of two groups 0 = Complete Integration 100 = Complete Segregation
Index of Dissimilarity Hispanics and….
Percent of Population is Hispanic, 2000
Percent of Population Is Hispanic, African American or Asian, 2000
Country of Origin of Hispanics: Harris and Fort Bend Counties, 1998 Source: American Community Survey
Language Spoken by Hispanics, 1998 Source: American Community Survey
Educational Attainment of Adults, 1998 Source: American Community Survey
Income in relation to poverty line, 1998 Source: American Community Survey
Aggregate Household Income, Fort Bend & Harris Counties, 1998 ($Billions) Source: American Community Survey
Political Efficacy in Houston Professor Tatcho Mindiola, Jr. Director, Center for Mexican American Studies University of Houston
Political Efficacy Questions 1) I consider myself to be well qualified to participate in politics. 2) I feel that I have a pretty good understanding of the important issues facing our country. 3) I feel that I could do as good job in public offices as most other people.
Political Efficacy Questions 4) I think that I am better informed about politics and government than most people. 5) Sometimes politics and government seem so complicated that a person like me can't really understand what is going on. 6) I don't think public officials care much what people like me think.
Political Efficacy Scores in Houston By Ethnicity and Nativity Group Average Efficacy Scores African American3.6 U.S. Born Hispanic3.2 Foreign Born Hispanics2.9
Party Affiliation of Foreign Born Hispanics
Political Efficacy Scores for Foreign-Born Hispanics by Party Affiliation