Climate change is a local, human issue.
Year: year storm Bromirski, P. D., D. R. Cayan, N. Graham, M. Tyree, and R. Flick Coastal Flooding - Potential Projections: California Energy Commission. = Year: year storm Flooding
Data source: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and Moritz, Graphic source: NBCAI science team, Fire
Rainwater capture in Bodega Valley: water security
Southwest Santa Rosa
Disparity in education, life expectancy, earnings = Disparity in climate readiness Southwest Santa Rosa ROSELAND CREEK: 16.5% living in poverty 59% Latino population 77 year life expectancy 54% with HS diploma $21,699 median earnings
It’s getting hotter. Location: Santa Rosa.
Inland areas affected most
Stay cool with trees and parks, not just bigger air conditioners
Rising food prices hit home
The life-saving power of social networks