Healthy lifestyle
Introduction What is a healthy life style? You can give yourself the best chance of living a fitter and a healthier life by eating a good variety of balanced food, taking regular exercise, and not drinking fizzy or alcoholic drinks and not smoking at all
Content One of the most important things to avoid being ill is to have an active life. People are less active today than they used to be, with the television, computers and video games filling their spare time. Besides, only a few people walk or ride their bikes. They mainly use their cars to get to any place. Healthy living also means having healthy habits like going to bed early, being close to nature whenever possible and keeping fit. However ,people are busier today .Therefore,most times the only exercise they get is running to catch the bus or walking up and down school stairs.
Conclusion So if you eat less fatty food, more vegetables and fibres, you’ll feel better, fitter and have more energy. Thus, you will be less likely threatened by obesity and such incurable diseases as diabetes, heart blockages, hypertension and even more.